Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

You obviously donā€™t have children


Not necessarily, keep hospital admissions down hopefully.

Winter and 5km. Not good. Not good at all.

Meant to say it isnā€™t, in relation to dealing with infectious diseases.

Itā€™s definitely trending upwards, though I think the average in Dublin is pretty stable.

Jesus . What a knob


Fair enough.

What do you mean by the average is stable?

Iā€™d say the 7 day average in Dublin isnā€™t much higher than it was last week.

(Thatā€™s just from eyeballing the figures, Iā€™ve not got the calculator out)

The virus is laughing at us lads.

Donā€™t panic lads weā€™ll have to do at least in Week 4 first so the Govt can save face, should be plenty of time to stock up on beer then

Kids teams can train. Non contact but losing that under level 5 is a real loss to them.

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Not much point comparing case numbers from April considering weā€™re doing 3 times the testing.


I havenā€™t seen a source for those type of figures for Dublin. Today would have bumped up this 7 day average

First, whatā€™s the rate of false positives does anyone know? I overheard someone yabbering today that said the testing is not up to standard and half the positives are actually negatives. Is this anyway correct?

Also, whatā€™s the PUP now? If they go level 5 the Mrs is closed again, tho she might as well be closed now with numbers and the recent political spat with gov/nphetā€¦ People are locking themselves away.

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No thereā€™s a completely different criteria for testing

We will have the last laugh yet my zen comrade

I have a young son who is a promising basketball player


This virus has developed an intense sense of humor

Donal Og will have more of a chance of seeing blue balls than yellow ones this Winter.

But. But. But.

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The rate per 100,000 must be off the chain in Cork. Wonder when Mickey Martin will work up the gumption to lock them down.