Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Theyd have been as well of saying nothing instead of asking for evidence when they were told to play behind close doors and it turned out they have fuck all control over their members

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Full breakdown of new cases per county for the 617 cases confirmed yesterday.

Carlow 3
Cavan 31
Clare 21
Cork 107
Donegal 33
Dublin 123
Galway 35
Kerry 36
Kildare 31
Kilkenny 8
Laois 15
Leitrim 6
Limerick 15
Longford 3
Louth 13
Mayo 5
Meath 42
Monaghan 12
Offaly 10
Roscommon 4
Sligo 20
Tipperary 7
Waterford 10
Westmeath 11
Wexford 13
Wicklow 2

I take exception to that. I only need to drink 14 pints

Cheltenham set us on a path to where we are now. Everything can be traced back then.

The GAA actually keeps lads on the straight and narrow 99% of the time.

It gives people a focus and function.

Thereā€™s non GAA lads in their 20s just drinking every weekend with nothing to show for it.


More proof that Carlow and Wicklow are completely irrelevant


They donā€™t make getting the number of cases per county too easyā€¦

The API is updated daily but the latest record will always date back to two days ago.

So you must download the data in a csv and import to excel.

Then go on the HPSC report and find the correct Daily report.

Find the difference between the county figures on the HPSC report and the excel sheet.

I need to find a new hobby for my Saturday nights :upside_down_face:


It does.

The first weekend in September every year is where you see it.

The GAA playing lads are at home playing Championship.

The non playing lads are off their heads at Electric Picnic .


As I quoted that post, I realised the extensive job you did formatting it. Kudos.

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Oi Oi my names terry and Iā€™m a law abider

It does the opposite. Lads are off it for so long and denied it they go absolutely mental when the leash is let off.

The hold over lads in the gaa is fucking fierce and it only amateur.

Itā€™s like a release valve when they get to go for a few pints and no man should begrudge them but the pressure put on them by the clubs is fucking ridiculous.

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The family zoom call with the in laws is back in action. Fuck you NPHET


Level 6 stuff that.

Fucking hell.

There is no self respecting team trying to implement drinks bans these days


There may be no official drinking ban but are you telling me lads playing senior are drinking coming up to matches or while they are training?

Yes itā€™s OTT at club level.

Ultimately though I would say the GAA life is a more fulfilling and rewarding experience than spending your 20ā€™s getting lost from one weekends drinking to the next.

I know a team that implemented a Covid ban. They said donā€™t go to pubs, if you want to have a few drinks pick up a bag of cans and go nuts at home with family.

Even the covid wouldnā€™t go near them

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