Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

No they wouldnt. And the GAA would have looked like cunts.

The pubs/restaurants done it and they got reopened.

I dont get your argument that gaa clubs are losing huge money. They had no matches for 3 months, no payments to coaches, club lottos are all back running. They are doing fine if you ask me.

The pubs arent open.

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Any clubs losing huge money must be fierce badly run. Or have utter cunts as managers.

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They are opened on Monday.

So the GAA should have waited until the 21st of September to go back?

Who are these clubs that are struggling to stay afloat because of the games that you know of? Players are mad to play them and spectators are mad to watch them, therefore they are meaningful

No crowds of the 500 would have been back months ago if the gaa actually took a stand. Many pubs and restaurants are open since June.

What stand could the GAA have taken?

We’re not going to play games, what are you going to do about that Govt and NPHET?

Eh, yeah, you do that so lads.

Pubs and restaurants got opened. Things like tayto park were opened also. The only reason crowds weren’t at gaa games Is because the gaa agreed to the ridiculous guideline at the start.

Pubs didnt open. They are still closed.

Crowds were at GAA games, and then they werent.

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Pubs and restaurants are some people’s only source of income, GAA matches are not

I’m fairly sure you’re completely wrong here

Plenty of pubs are open since June. The last of the pubs will be open before crowds can stand on a band and watch a game outside.

Crowds stood on a band and watched a game inside a long time back.

And 100 people can stand on a bank and watch games as of today.

200 can do in County Grounds.

More people can sit inside in a pub and watch a game than actually go to a huge open space and watch in person. Very logical.

This isn’t an absolute.

100 people can watch a game in person. 200 in some cases. You’d be doing well to have 100/200 people inside a pub watching a game while maintaining govt regulations.

Just stop defending this nonsense. It’s an absolute joke. Gaa have let the clubs down again.

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I accept your surrender.

The GAA have done very well by their association and people throughout all of this. You screaming otherwise doesnt make it so.

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