Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Ah I see.

I’d be more optimistic (if that’s the right word to use) that people will see the death rate will remain very low over the next 4-6 weeks and slowly relax restrictions as they realize they’re doing more harm than good.

Not good.

Not until after Christmas I would suspect.

Sure lockdown is easy for them. Laptop on the lap, box sets on, zoom quiz, banana bread, meal delivered by a Brazilian on a bike…it’s no big hardship


Stockholm syndrome they miss dr cervical check telling them what to do.

Can someone/anyone please explain this mentality to me? You hear people literally crying out for it and I am at a loss to understand why. I can perfectly grasp why someone with heart problems or respiratory issues would want a lockdown. Of course there will be some forms of altruism towards dependents and friends who are vulnerable too. Have people succumbed to the pervasive fear of the virus as marketed by RTE and media in general.

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Egghead said they hope to move to level 1 at end of December.

Has Level 1 actually happened yet?

What’s the difference between Level 1 and Level 2?

We have been simply destroyed us as a society.

There were a few weeks there during the summer when we were being told how lucky we were to be able to go to Ballybunnion on a Sunday to sit on the rocks and stare into space for an hour.

Peoples expectations of life is on the floor.


No and little are the answers to your question.
I suspect that people will start boarding flights again middle of next year. People going to sporting events should be back too. The prevalence and visibility of these 2 things will hopefully deprogram the masses who believe we should be locked down forever.

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If we all double down our efforts we can be sitting on that rock again in January


I think many* have.

My mam tells me my cousin has quit her job. Not in a “I can’t be arsed anymore” kind of way, but because she’s afraid of the virus. She’s in an industry where they’re back at the work premises and interacting with people. Despite precautions in place, she’s afraid of catching it in work and travelling to and from work. Think you referred to an older family member a while back that’s petrified to leave the house, I also have an aunt like that.

*based on Kev like anecdotal tales

Where I am we are going to level 4 all because of the GAA club. Every club in the area now has either closed or gone back to the restrictions that were in place when opening up after the first lock down. Not sure if there is anything going on in the back channels where they are being told to do this or this is just being done.

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Are you not still in work and doing fuck all?

Yeah there are a lot of people in a very fragile mental state who may have had underlying issues (maybe unknown to them) before this virus took hold. This thing has really dominated them and there has been no outlet to quell the fear but plenty of fuel on the fire. Just recently at the mothers 65th birthday there was a BBQ put on by my sister and her husband with my mams 3 sisters in attendance. Myself and 2 other brothers headed up later after a game. They were eating outside. I noticed a trend where 1 aunt would get up and walk around the house intermittently. So I looked at my watch and noticed it was happening every 13 or 14 minutes. It was only afterwards that we realised she was doing this in the knowledge that she had to be in the presence of someone who had covid for 15 mins to get it. I have seen all sorts of bizarre behaviour. I haven’t told the aunt its all a cod yet as I suspect she has long since made up her own mind about it. I suspect its the same with your cousin. You just have to hope that people will come out of the fog eventually and make sensible risk assessments.


There will be a big lock down around Christmas . The risk around parties , racing , gatherings will be seen as huge

It’s pretty quiet yeah. We’ve had a big increase in people arriving who’ve magically lost their passports in the last few weeks.

deny landing

I might move to Tangiers, like the Beats.

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