Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I would say that they are telling up north.

The virus has taken over, now we see how lethal it is.

This coming winter is crucial (and maybe the next one too).

In all seriousness, the next few months will tell all. Hopefully by February, we will have a sense of whether the second half of 2021 will be any different to the second half of this year in terms of restrictions.

I’m confident we’ll be in a much better place after the winter. We definately will be in terms of knowledge. Whether our shitty health service holds us back is another story.

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You’d almost think there was a pandemic on.

Less than 1.5% of under 55s getting very sick and .03% extremely sick.

You would hope that we would be in a better place after a year of dealing with this. By right we should have been in a better place by now for living with this than we are.

998 positive swabs from 13988 tests in the past 24 hours.

7.13% positivity rate

Where you goin baby
Here am I
Well you’ve left me here
So I could
Sit and cry.
With a golly gee
What have you done to me.
Well I guess it doesn’t matter anymore

The positive rate seems to be increasing exponentially if you track if for the past two months or so.

The big cod will be when there isn’t a massive spike in deaths.

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Hopefully the deaths stay low as that’s how it’s been playing out in other countries so far.
It will probably be the new year though before the Government /NPHET would be confident enough in the data to relax restrictions while still having high cases.

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Things will ease in February guys.

I have done my modelling on the Spanish flu and I’m confident of being more knowledgeable than the scientific industry who by all accounts are just a bunch of spoofs.



Only answer lads. Round us all up and stick us in a pen for a fortnight. Job is oxo

They probably developed herd immunity much quicker back then. Ignorance was bliss kind of thing.

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Keep your golly gee to yourself

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They also died all the time from all sorts of things.

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You’d also expect that the potency of this virus should be way down on the Spanish Flu due to modern medical advances.

International travel in the 21st century probably meant that this virus was in the 4 corners of the world far quicker than it took the Spanish flu to travel.

Donations to ‘Club Tyrone’. Fuck your flowers.


The Spanish flu killed 50 million people (medium estimate) at a time when the world’s population was about one quarter of what it is today. This is nothing like the Spanish flu


I’m not on about it in terms of potency, merely in terms of its lifespan. I expect we will be over the worst of it by Feb 2021 and then it will fizzle out over the next year with things gradually beginning to return to normal in 2022.

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Have people gone a bit fucking crazy wanting to go back into lockdown? And not just for a couple of weeks but for as long as it takes, what ever that is.

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I know of a school in the west where 170 out of 230 students are out.