Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

MAGA we need trump to take on NPHET


Gilesy on to put the fear of god into the elderly.

RTE have poor Johnny Giles driven half demented with fear.

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Gilesy petrified after meeting a real live woman in the flesh

2 women even…

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Poor Gilesy is looking shook and seems genuinely terrified about Covid.

I’d say Covid would not have a chance agin Dunphy.

Unhelpful unfortunately

Dunphy is even worse

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Claire delighted to be called a young wan.

The Government must have a lot of bots on here

Cc @Ralphie

Yeah there is a section of society who will do the opposite of trump regardless if he is actually correct or doing the right thing

This is more like it

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Woulfie won’t like the way he is portrayed here,

Claire Byrne Live is a fairly mad show.

This is fucking insane on many levels :smile: Ireland is a very funny country


Is a bot a computer program that replies to tweets with set phrases or is it a person paid to do that?

He said “I’m terrified by this thing” on OTB on Saturday or Sunday when on with Eddie Keher and some oul wan who used to do motorcar racing or something who sounded like she was class in the snippet I heard. Was talking to the father earlier and he sounds genuinely really worried about it now and it was disconcerting to hear the fear in his voice. He’s 67 and fit as a fiddle although got diagnosed as having asthma recently. Project fear has done it’s job. The elderly are terrified. Job done.


Seamus Woulfe coming out of this very poorly.

This is a hatchet job from RTE, make no mistake


I only caught the end of it. Seemed like it though alright