Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

You’ll get through this

I’d say you could be right.

Is Dublin locked in or are you locked out ?

There is no spoon

Tests completed in last 24 hours : 14,663

Positive Tests : 248 ( Approximately 1.69%)

Test % has gone back down with loads of tests which is a positive.

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The 7 days positivity rate is well up on the previous 7 days though I think.

It is yeah, last few days were well up. But lower numbers tested.

What’s the difference there with your number?

Daily v 7 Day average

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Where is the exponential growth?

The lockdown was to flatten the curve. Curve looks flat.

Just heard on Drivetime that NPHET are recommending that all “wet” pubs nationwide should remain closed also strongly considered for Dublin to go to Level 4 but have settled on Level 3. Your man to be fair said it fast so may have just meant Dublin, what would be the point of the Levels if NPHET could arbitrarily recommend that?

WHO head of emergencies Mick Ryan said yesterday that it was important to have consistent messaging from government officials. This from the lads who if you tried to keep up with their messaging since the Covid crisis began your head would spin off your shoulders.


A shambles, completely undermines the new system that is supposed to be in place.

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Making it up as they go along. It’s impossible without a vaccine to suppress it. Once hospitals are not stretched it’s hard to justify. They have had six months to build in testing tracing and hospital capacity and seem to have not done what was needed.


Dublin won’t really go to level 3 because that would be too soft on the pubs, wait till you see… it will be 3+ and the whole 5 stages will be a cod.

The Publicans need to tell these cunts to go fuck themselves and open as planned on Monday this shit is getting ridiculous now.


There should be mass organised civil disobedience.

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Thats exactly it. Pathetic contact tracing and little or no additional capacity in hospitals mean we are now in a very precarious position heading towards winter. The useless fuckers have had plenty of notice and time to get their ducks in a row.