Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

With that IFR, you are literally looking at millions of cases to get to the numbers of deaths predicted by Gerry Killeen

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Lads are driving themselves insane.

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We may be ahead of the curve again.

A cursory scroll down my twitter timeline reveals lots of folk angry about not being able to visit family. The kind of folk that were following all advice up to now, as opposed to selectively ignoring it.

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I was just coming in to post thereā€™s a ridiculous amount of ā€œOK so I can go to (insert open premises) but not my parents houseā€ tweets this morning.

The thing is they are probably all from people who have been carefully following restrictions up to now, but have been punished because young people have been having house parties. They probably see a deep unfairness in that.

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We can do this Paul #allinittogether #standupandfight

We had the virus by the balls in June according to Anthony o Connor

Looks like there wont be a vaccine until early 2022 ā€¦ at least another year of this.

I imagine NPHET have looked at the science from the contact tracing and determined people wear masks and socially distance in shops but not in homes.

I see, abroad in France you have to wear masks in homes.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy says itā€™ll be done by February. Iā€™m on board his train.

Fuck the French

I did twice. Iā€™d often think about it.

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Happy to bring back memories of him for you.

Your insomnia has you driven demented.

Weā€™re gonna be in and out of lockdown for the next year - Pubs are done.

We will be over the worst of it by February but it will take another year for it to burn out. So Feb 2022 is when we will gradually begin to return to normality.

Iā€™m zen

I could do that standing on my head. Weā€™re nearly there so.

You do days of Covid lockdown. Thatā€™s the day you go in and the day you come out.

And then the day you go back in again, and back out again