Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

How come I can’t do X but I can do Y
Ok grand we’ll shut Y as well.

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Michael Martin suggested that until there is a vaccine the country will never return back to normal. What fucking planet is he living on? Did he think there might be a possibility there will never be one. What then…

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We can never go back. We will create a new normal and move forward. The timeline has splintered.

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That’s a lot of people, especially teachers. The treatment of the teachers is unbelievable. If Archbishop Holohan actually believed his own bullshit he’d be a mass murderer for what he’s done to them. Fortunately he knows it’s all nonsense and the lockdown is just a bit of banter.

I’m seeing the lockdowners starting to openly dismiss NPHET’s advice/nonsense/catechism/ideology about “no infections are possible in schools”. The North deciding to close the schools has absolutely destroyed the Archbishop on this point. This open dissent is a big change on recent months, although way back at the start the lockdowners decided that NPHET were wrong to dismiss facemasks and started wearing them themselves anyway.

Meanwhile WHO’s advice that lockdowns should only ever be used for time to prepare the health service has had a deep impact on the OIUTF crew.

It’s turning into the greatest example of mass insanity since the growth of fascism in WW2. If you remember at the start when the experts were saying that people could only cope with lockdown for a short while and now the majority of people want full lockdown forever, I think one of the big mistakes that the experts made is they thought that the modern liberal Irish or British person was smarter or better than the average German in the 1930s.

  1. They massively underestimated the the “middle class respectability” effect - aspirational people who will believe any fucking nonsense if it’s the new establishment position with even greater enthusiasm than the establishment itself. This connects with the public enthusiasm for blaming themselves and absolving their beloved leaders.

  2. They underestimated how effective RTE / mass media propaganda still is today. They thought modern man would see through it. They can’t.

  3. They underestimated how quickly people get used to new, worse circumstances.

And thats the story of how the 21st century was lost and the French Revolution was finally defeated. It’s a very sobering thought that we aren’t really much smarter than 1930s German people.


magnificient post

Point 1 is something I haven’t been able to grapple with but it makes perfect sense.

You’re also describing how lads got interested in rubby in Ireland in the last twenty years.

It all comes back to rubby. Same as with the economic crash in 2008.


In fairness they conquered most of Europe so they must have had a bit about them.

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That’s a belter

Re the schools. The infection rate here was 25/100k in mid September. Now it is 150/100k. it directly correlates to the reopening of schools. That was the only variable that changed in society here since June. I am hearing of cases in my own kid’s schools, be it students or teachers. Hearing the same from people I know. Schools are trying to stay open and just quarantining classes but it is going to be a constant battle.

full page ad in the irish times today


The Burke’s in Mayo home school and it seems like it worked out fine for them.

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Where I am Covid have gone through the roof mainly due to the behavior of the GAA club and adults. The schools seem to be so far free from infection and we have not been sent an notifications of covid in the school, this is a primary school so I don’t know if that makes a difference.

Here is the thing, a friend and his family had to cut contacts because the teenagers friends father tested positive for covid but when they rang the HSE they advised that the kids could go to school but they need to restrict contact which sounds strange, I thought they would have has to isolate till the friends test came back?

Interesting guy

Not at all interested in the commercial property market I’d say.

It’s impossible to get infected once you step inside a school. The virus is a dosser. It loves alcohol, it hates school. It is possible to get infected just outside the school gate however so be careful of that.


People that live with a close contact can carry on as normal if they have no symptoms until such time as the close contact tests positive or symptoms emerge.

It’s very clear on the HSE website.