Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

They don’t mean the dinner. They want the month-long shopping festival before it.

I’d say the socially retarded, pencil necked cunt is safe enough.


Eddie Brennan spoke well there on Radio 1.

Seems happy to carry on with Inter County once proper precautions are in place. Feels the association has had a few own goals in recent weeks.

Feels if they were to call a halt it could be seen as right but also sees the game going ahead as a big boost to good % of society.

Thinks it’s odd for Kerry to have to go up to Monaghan this weekend considering restrictions up there etc.


Fear. Fear is the most powerful motivator.

If you sufficiently scare a person they become compliant.

Just heard the Garda in Tralee is actually two weeks away from retirement (from a colleague of his).

You couldn’t make it up :rofl:

It is far from FFG. It’s the mainstream position of every Irish party, the only party who have shown an ounce of bravery in this was Labour along with a couple of Independent politicians.

Yes mate. Spreading a killer disease is a “bit of an own goal”

1 death in ICU in the past 24 hours.

Testing capacity has increased to 18k tests per day /126k tests a week.

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Whole country tested in six months

Homophobe. Victim blaming.

Power is gone to your head.

Assuming no duplication.

That’s never really been clear in the daily announcements.

Lads will be delighted that it’s being used

True but the polarization and backing your leader to the hilt is a recent enough phenomenon in the main

Apart from the Civil War.

:clap: :clap:

966 positive swabs from 13428 tests.

7.19% positivity rate

Three quarters of randomly tested people in the UK had “no notable symptoms at all”

This is the deadly virus that’s stopping you visiting any other household in the country, preventing you from leaving the county, closing your business. It’s so serious the vast majority of people dont even know they have it

Its insanity what’s happening when you think about it.


Absolute madness.