Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Works somewhat for Ebola doesn’t it? This would have been a blockbuster.

And imagine being stuck with Mary and Fionnula who have taken up one of your tables in order to have a cup of coffee drawn out over two hours,

Would it be possible to slap a 10pc covid solidarity tax on everyone earning over 50k say. Just for the weeks we’re in level 5? If they can just unilaterally shut businesses I don’t see why not


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They were issued letters by county boards.


There is no solidarity. The lockdown merchants don’t actually want everyone to lockdown. Who’d deliver their takeaways?


I have answered you before on this. Government will never have an exit strategy to get out of this mess if the tax payer has to foot the bill. We are here because of the financial black hole amongst other things that is the HSE You would be pushing people on that wage into needing supports themselves. Government have no concept or value of money and I wouldnt trust them with one additional cent of what I have to give over already.


We could do with that apple tax now

Greatest agricultural minster this country ever had

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So do you think nobody should be allowed work in a lockdown? Is that your idea of solidarity?

That doesn’t really explain why they can’t do it.

It’s blatantly unfair that people have lost their jobs for NO other reason but to look after the health of other people. And then people complained about the payment they were on and the government cut it. They should be on full wage if its above 300. Easy known it’s mostly working class people who’ve lost their jobs.

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Goodman took him out, took him out good and proper

I dont think there should be any form of lockdown

Amazing solidarity for the old and the vulnerable and those who care for them there mate. We’re not in a lockdown currently

Even if it was adjudged that Apple owed that money, Ireland would only see a fraction of it. It was due to be divvied up. Wed be lucky to see a couple of million of it

Ah so if you don’t favour lockdowns you want to kill older people?


Now would be an excellent time to dismantle the MNC tax base bringing in the largest part of our national revenue