Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I was being glib lads

You just said if you favour lockdowns you only want takeaways or some such ridiculous shit.

Yin and yang dude

No I didn’t

Are you talking about camogie? GAA roadmap issued a couple 9f weeks ago states explicitly that there will be no dev squad activity until Level 2

We’re advised not to leave our counties and the Gardai are running random checkpoints asking where we’re from and where we’re going.

Nothing untoward here at all. Everything is n o r m a l.

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I’m afraid it’s not just covid we’re dealing with now. Judging by the latest posts. Covid dementia is now starting to take its toll on lads

Was there never a random checkpoint before covid?

The nearest we will get to an Apple tax windfall is if cider sales rise at off licences during lockdown and that is unlikely over winter .

It was a peace and love hippy state up to a couple of weeks ago before Drew flicked the Police State switch

They’re roving the streets in gangs saying how are ye lads, stay safe

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6 (six) checkpoints I met today (so I did)

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Ah would you stop :grin:

Everything is n o r m a l

It’s not normal. We are in a p a n d e m i c

So you agree then.

Are there vast swathes of old and vulnerable people moving from one county to another, like herds of wildebeests sweeping majestically across the Serengeti?

Its not a lockdown.

Sure it’s not.

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Is Sharon knocked up?

Limerick cork checkpoint moved to croom from bangoe. 1 guard waving at cars, the other playing on his phone probably checking tfk

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