Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


The forums resident intellectual strikes again

This is not a political statementā€¦ itā€™s a mask

Vaccine by third week of November


How long would the FDA take to approve?

We talking weeks or months?

Weeks. Itā€™s over.


Trump will get it over the line before the election if at all possible

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NPHET wonā€™t like this

I refer you to the Vaccine thread

Itā€™s one of the candidates in phase three trials already, so a lot of the FDA process is already done. Normally many more months work but this is being fast tracked for emergency use so could be released by end of November.


and mail a vial to everyone in the country with his name engraved on it.

The infection rates for what they term ā€œvulnerable populationsā€ really donā€™t add up with the rumour mill for the amount of cases in the travelling community.

Listowel was supposedly very busy for race week.

Theyā€™ve refused him. Heā€™s seething.

Is this not an important line:

This means we may know whether or not our vaccine is effective by the end of October.

Had a thought there.

If the vaccine is ready for November, could they tie in with Santa Claus and he could deliver it to every home in the world (except for the chinese) on Christmas night. We could all then party like fuck for a week.


If you directly tied vaccine uptake to Christmas itā€™d gloriously piss off the anti-vax simpletons.

Youd be better getting Smyths toystores to do it.

They can insert a microchip with the vaccine that can be scanned on enter to venues. No chip, no entry.

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The Chinese are giving people a vaccine today. Forty five quid a shot.