Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

She fuckin is you know

This lockdown has you driven demented mate. Relax. This too will pass

a GGA development squad :joy:

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Passed it this evening.

A woeful waste of time and Garda resources.

Passed both ways. Visited 2 households and all. Went for a pint in blarney on my return. Up yours tony


Numbers up, numbers down, mentally I’m done with this thing, we were all saying it back in spring this thing was gonna come back with high numbers in winter and we “prepared” for living with it by putting together a wall chart with 5 numbers that was already obsolete within a day of its grand reveal. New Zealand this, Sweden that, yadda yadda yadda, shquare one. Hopefully the GGA championship goes ahead as a distraction but I fear the worst. I hope Azerbaijan versus the other crowd kicks off in a massively unexpected way just so we can knock a bit of craic out of something other than McDonkey, Tony and the rest for a few days.


Passed a checkpoint in Waterford this morning. Tow truck had a 07 supped up Passat just loaded up. Presume either no nct/tax/insurance or all three. Guard probabky just out of Templemore ringing mammy to tell her he was in line for promotion.

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Only had this conversation with the missus earlier. She looks brutal. None of the usual gloom

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This trip we’re knockin out with some real deal classics

You want a war to keep you entertained?

Yes please.

Pm me hun x

She’s the best part of 50 mate

I met her once, about 16/17 years ago. I would.

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Post flagged for ageism.

I’d still call her a ride under the right circumstances

Was it Brenda or Breda that was on Facebook lads?

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As would I but it’s highly unlikely she’s pregnant at this stage of her life. She’s probably going through the menopause or something

Ah ok. I withdraw my imaginary flagging of your post

Ask @Loko_Cove misses. They had the same conversation. I’m tellin ya, shes knocked uo

She’s doing a @Faldo on it. 18 year old daughter and she going again


The greatest heel turn here by Breda since Hulk Hogan betrayed the Hulkamaniacs