Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Hold on… Is tennis banned?

:joy::joy::joy: Good one

They would do the same for us of course :joy::joy:

First they came for Laois, Kildare and Offaly and I didn’t speak out because well no really gives a shit about them,
Then they came for Dublin and I didn’t speak out because fuck the Dubs,
Then they came for Cork and there was no one left to speak for me

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If you thought the Red Wedding scene in GoLoTR was bad, CORONAVIRUS!

Are some airlines running empty flights so they don’t have to pay refunds?

I’ve not seen empty ones. But ones with as few as 5 people on them are common

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Yeah Leo. Imagine a country trying to survive with a 'divided government.

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They won’t be stopping indoor dining, it’s just another leak to show how they are standing up to NPHET

We will be ok kid we don’t need to Dubs to mind us

Why won’t they wash their hands?

The virus came to Limerick a few weeks ago and we ran it out quicker than the Jews.


All the tenement buildings must be a big factor as well. Loads of grand houses on big sites all around Limerick.

Hush my mhuirnin the police are watching
And you know that I must go ashore

In a day I’ll be over the mountain
Therell be time enough left for to cry
So goodnight and God guard you forever
And write to me wont you goodbye
So goodnight and God guard you forever
And write to me wont you goodbye

Like Rovers retreating from The Steering Wheel that time.

Offaly has fallen. Again.

Very ‘us and them’ mindset from the Carkies here. When did you lose your independence gil? You need the likes of Limerick now to stand up and have a pop at the dubs.

NPHET needs to make an example of counties that reoffend. Lockdown Offaly for 6 weeks

They’ve circled the wagons so often they’re stuck in the dirt.

No, sorry, that’s wrong. Even on Level 4 under the “Roadmap” restaurants would be allowed stay open for dining and NPHET signed off on it. This is stricter than level 4 in the roadmap. The entire roadmap was a complete fraud on the public.

Edit: no sorry I’m wrong. Historic TFK backdown here.

The roadmap was still a fraud though