Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

No plan from Tomas either so why did he bother.

It’s all well & good driving this idea forward but he has no idea how much it will cost to achieve.
He paints absolutely no negatives whatsoever & his parting shot about real leadership is crass & childish.

By all means put your ideas forward, but clearly explain how it will work & how do we all pay for it…

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You are very highly strung. I find running a great release valve, you should conider taking it up

Link to that article mate? I want to drive a few people over the edge.

By the way Gerry Killeen was going on the last day to get to zero Covid would probably mean a severe lockdown for 4 months at least. Maybe more. So you’d be looking at people emerging blinking into the sunlight from their homes maybe next March.

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Cheers brah

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That’s the rag bojo was editor of yes?

Right. :roll_eyes:

He had no clue whatsoever how long it would take or how much it would cost.

For seemingly very intelligent individuals those shouting Zero COVID are very poor with numbers.

By all means let’s row in together and practice the meaningful & relatively low cost behavioural practices required to reduce transmission & spread of COVID.

Let’s deal in actual facts.

Let’s lean on the media to report the actual news of the day.

Vulnerable people are getting sick of the daily trauma of endless doom & gloom. We can all protect each other if properly informed, the endless fear being projected is only adding fuel of the more dangerous “ it’s all a cod crew “.

Leo IMO knows this but again he was attacked for dealing in actual facts last week when coming out in difference to NPHET.


The media is what it is, you can pick holes in every rag going.
The doctors points were solid

He is not an economist.

Yeah I have no issue with Zero Covid as a concept, it just has to be realistic and call out the issues. If we are going to lockdown hard for 6 weeks then be honest with the chance of more cases emerging like New Zealand. Except we have more travel generally as well as an open border. It isn’t good enough for them to say it would work if the Nordies wanted in, that isn’t good enough. Tomas Ryan hasn’t shown me anything to suggest that he is going to branch centuries worth of hostilities because of Covid.

Similarly I have issues with the Great Barrington. I’m not sure I see it as possible to get herd immunity within the constraints of younger people living with older ones etc. The logistics look difficult to me.

I think that herd immunity is more likely; but as a public policy decision to “expedite” it I’m not so sure.

Only one gets full discussion though and that’s the former.

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Audi. Vorsprung durch technik


He isn’t an historian either but that’s irrelevant. If you are going to put forward a strategy, it has to be all encompassing.

Healthcare, mortality, geopolitics, economics etc

It isn’t good enough otherwise. That may be complex but so is Covid, and Ryan doesn’t seem to have qualifications in any field but is allowed to put one forward.

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I don’t disagree. By the same token, the government could do likewise and show why zero covid is not a plausible strategy.

It could also mean you spent 3 days drinking

Because the Irish Government have never been able to solve the border ffs. That is obvious ffs

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Ah here Tim. I’m talking about doing the numbers on why zero covid is not practical from an economic perspective. There are plenty of economists in dept of finance to do some number crunching. Thus, when likes of Ryan et al, put it forward as a strategy on an economic basis ( hard lockdown better than stop start), it can be shown up as a flawed strategy. Until that happens, it gains traction with the public.

I get that but it should just stop with the border. It is obvious.

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In fairness I agree with the minister as tourism is massive here but if we open up to travel zero covid is a non runner

To you and me it is. Someone here quoted Churchill recently ‘chatting 5 mins with the average voter is the greatest argument against democracy’