Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

1276 cases (278 in Dublin, 149 in Cork, 108 in Meath, 107 in Galway, 80 in Wexford)

8 deaths (5 in October, 2 in September, 1 in June)

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A death from June, slap head is digging deep into his bag here.


McConkey could get his mythical level 6 now.

Churchill decided to face up to Hitler after a chat with a bunch of commuting cockneys on the Tube :wink:


A casedemic. We were told we’d have 100s of deaths a day by now.

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200 (1)

I know, pal. But his theories & plans should be costed for them to hold any type of water with Joe Public imo.

He must realise that his contributions are being negatively looked upon so he should have the initiative to put together an actual coherent plan.

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Meath has no testing capacity from what I heard booked up till Friday

1200+ cases. Please our overlords break it down. A simple 3 tier system!
No symptoms
Slight symptoms
And a 5 level for pig iorn
In Icu
Why icu wasn’t invested in
I’m going down to see my mother next week and will drive on if asked to turn back

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Contract tracing is also way behind contacting people over a week from being a close contact. I feel they will lock the country down, against my opinion. But rather than blame the public why is the question not asked why is the track and tracing so bad? Why are test centres over run. Why are hospitals over run when we had 6 months to prepare when they knew the winter months will be a shit show with the normal winter surge and covid on top of it


The child is a king
The carolers sing
The old has passed
Theres a new beginning
Dreams of Santa
Dreams of snow
Fingers numb
Faces aglow


Wexford test service is running swimmingly. A wonderfully smooth process from start to finish I’ve been told.

That’s really after cheering me up Mike, only a real Grinch would be annoyed by that!


I’ve no idea about anywhere else i was chatting to lad I know in the shop hes working in the call centre in cork scheduling the tests, that’s what he said about today. Longest break between calls today was 90 seconds

Public service workers are the hardest working people in Ireland. Everyone knows that.

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Front line workers every one of them. Yourself included

Damn straight. I’m just off a work call as it happens.

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Us private sector workers are taking the weekend off. Watching telly, drinking beer and not paying taxes

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How many of the 1276 have symptoms? How many went to hospital? ICU? … Daily figures ain’t worth a wank.


Tj is freaked with not playing IC again pal, he was on OTB about it