Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


The GAA.

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Tbf I’m not sure Mary in Tesco on minimum wage signed up for this

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She didn’t but the teachers expect her at the till. And kids need to be educated.

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Fuck her. Lock it down. She can become unemployed or go in and risk getting the virus. We’re all in this together

I may go into GameStop tomorrow and find out what the story is with my Xbox pre order if they close up for a few weeks. :worried:

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Tell that to Davy Fitz

It’s class. It feeds my soul. I’m hammered.

It was a notification based on fact. What’s your issue? Perhaps a simple RIP would be easier than the constant whinge?

Santa !!!:grimacing:

10,000 souls was the opening bid.
Soon went up to 55
But Michaawl didnt see Tony
Slip the mask off and said
That suits me fine.
I’ll raise you high to 105 and forever
Put an end to your sins.
But Tony let out a might shout
My hands wins


Got my hands on a ps4 yesterday in Argos.
Itll do

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Not sure about a notification based on fact mate,

RIP obviously none the less.

Released on November 10th. :persevere:

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There will be a roar out of you at Cheltenham next month as loud as the lifting of the tape for the Supreme Novices Hurdle


Can kicking as I told ye yesterday it won’t be Level 5

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Get God of War lad. It’s unreal

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There won’t be anyone level 2 afterwards that’s for sure mate