Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

You can go to a restaurant, shopping centre etc, you can travel more than 5k and it isnā€™t nationwide

never forget


On the topic of Christmas shopping, anyone unsure as to if the price they have is a good deal on electronics stuff, feel free to drop me a PM :wave:


Youā€™ve mentioned that once or twice alright (me too)

Taking a(n) holistic view of health I would keep them open. In 2020 Ireland though, we donā€™t need to keep people healthy but only ensure they donā€™t die from COVID, so theyā€™ll likely close

You can buy online from Irish businesses though.

Iā€™m hanging on to a sliver of hope that some sanity will prevail and they allow the gyms to stay open. I expect I will be severely disappointed tomorrow.

I read before 70 percent of the money from online shopping leaves the country. People badly need to support local shops. Keeping people in jobs is going to be huge in the next few weeks.


No sanity will prevail

Invest in some kettlebells while youā€™re still allowed outside to buy them.

No, money down!


Yep the majority goes out of Ireland alright mate

10 months later and we havenā€™t a fucking clue what weā€™re at.

Hospital capacity. For fuck sake.

Fear mongering. For fuck sake.

CRSS. How does it fucking work? A credit for future expenses. How will that actually work lads? A nice headline and fuck all detail.

Lock down is now the tool of choice and is a comfort blanket for a load of middle of the road easily led people. If it saves one life as Appendage senior said today. The same lad ignored the polio restrictions in the 50s by the way. And isnā€™t judgmental of those that break them now either to be fair.

The 5KM restriction is a disgrace. What fucking difference will that make?

Harris couldnā€™t hold his piss today either.

Paddy will be the only fully locked down country in the EU.


Good call. Just ordered some dumbbells on ebay.

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Itā€™s insanity that not one person has been held to account for the tracing shambles. The NPHET super fans are a strange bunch, there are people in NPHET who made the decision to not go beyond 48 hours until September & nobody is demanding accountability. Instead we are proposing to give the same bunch a second go at it.


10 months into this and they havenā€™t a clue.

If my lawn tennis club is closed this week despite being as safe as can be Iā€™ll be seething. Same if my pool is closed.

We are being punished for the health service not upping their game


Level 4. Midnight Monday.

Good to see Friend of the Forum Niamh Horan fighting the good fight, pushing the OIUTF narrative in todayā€™s Sunday Independent.

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Level 4.5