Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

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Simon was on to me there earlier. I gave him a few options.


Level 4

Why did they create these levels if they donā€™t bother stick to them?

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The situation is fluid.

Thatā€™s a very good question

They fucked it up completely.

They designed it to work with quick local lockdowns and realised that wont work.

Some cluster fuck


Murphys in Brandon never seemed so far away.

Do you not think this is going to be finished in a few weeks?

Youā€™d get a takeaway pint in oconners

Simon does COVID-19 pep talks on his personal instagram page.

He has really had a massively positive influence on the health of the nation

What a fucking condescending piece of shit.


Dreading to see what rubbish Harris will tweet tomorrow when we move to level 4, or 5 or maybe 4.5

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4.9 to keep the teachers in check.


And a fucking creep. Theres something off about him


Harris is some boy. At least the nordie politicians dont pretend to be niceā€¦apart from that wanker Eastwood

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You caused enough trouble here last night. Back in your box

Harris would sicken your hole with his brand of twee musings.