Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The Cork crowd are savage insular. Itā€™s paying off

He can stick his graph.
These lads love the limelight and they do not want to give it up.

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Even his tweets are full of inconsistencies. They donā€™t have resources to properly trace. Bollox.

These lads need to pivot to what they can and should do. They are lazy in telling everybody else what not to do.

George Lee seems annoyed NPHET have to explain why they recommend closures.

CEOs of huge companies are generally narcissistic sociopaths

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Reid was boasting yesterday in relation to the U.K. and their test and trace.

If I was the opposition this is the first thing Iā€™d pick on. The lazy President of Maynooth complaining that the tracing system isnā€™t resourced well enough.

But, but, but, the food chain!

That is it. They had six months to build necessary processes and procedures and failed to do it. He has admitted that himself.

Keep it locked down.


Out and put spoof from Nolan. Theyā€™ve had 6 months to research this. Finding out where they are getting the virus must be a priority?

Also, they are obviously not going on spreading it in pubs/restaurants as so few cases are being traced to there. So thatā€™s nonsense too.

Proverbs 29:25

The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe

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Heā€™s only in Maynooth though.


could be worse, could be in UL with harney

It was the Entertainers Golf Society down in Tullamore. One of them died on the trip but not from Covid though when they tested her after she died she was positive.

Youā€™d wonder how we ever expect to get out of this messā€¦ Like everything in this country zero prevention and risk mitigation and instead just busy fools putting out fires everywhere. It breathtaking that we are here 6 months on and after a quiet summer.


indeed, the cost of resourcing tracing and testing is a miniscule percentage of the cost to the economy of LIDTF. looks like theyve no economists in merrion st


There was a fella on the radio the other day making out that contact tracing was some sort of highly skilled role that not just anyone could do, they needed special types of graduates etc. which was why it was so difficult to scale it up. FFS itā€™s a glorified call centre. You could probably run the whole thing off salesforce and all.

@KinvarasPassion could have 300 hundred lads in Hyderabad contact tracing by the end of the day


When I was in hospital back in April I met a guy who played for the army band who had been moved into contact tracing.

Apart from being somewhat arrogant referring to trying to find the source of infection as an ā€œacademic exerciseā€ is it not also misguided? If I contract the virus in a restaurant then surely others there the same night could have too and they should be contacted? What is the point of the restaurant taking your contact details then?

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a number of expendable worker ants for my dept were moved into contact tracing back in april.