Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

the travel thing is a total red herring, gas to see the way the stasi have been hammering this story all morning on the state broadcasting channels, Brendan and Nuala having a field day

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Was he not told to close for acting the bollocks?

ferguson says a lot of things…

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why was a death from June included in yesterdays figures?

so the risk of catching covid is the same as any other public gathering for international travel. Thanks for confirming you lied when you said that the ECDC said international travel isn’t a risk

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People in Eire have such a drink problem they’ll throw on oil skins & happily stand out in the rain to get their fix. Carry on Publicans who can.

That’s never what I said.

The rest of Europe has free travel between safe EU destinations and 13 other countries. Ireland alone has a blanket 14 isolation advisory for all arrivals, regardless of the destination of origin, and Ireland alone advises all its residents to avoid international travel.

Ireland has worse infection rates than the countries that have had international travel for a number of months.

It is a stark example of our approach being wrong, and of us putting our emphasis on the wrong places. Moreover, as it’s increasingly being demonstrated that we are wrong we are not changing.

Oh stop it you’re better than that.

I never mentioned Dr.Nolan or his models, not once.

we have fucked up tracing and testing long before the summer and since, but those are the variables we are dealing with. Expecting that to suddenly get better is a fools game.

We have an ultra conservative health advisory, trying to protect a broken health service, we have a government that is formed by a coalition of FF/FG and labour, when it looked like we’d be going to the polls again. Local authorities aren’t fit for purpose

Suddenly people want rapid, coordinated responses. Tests for the entire country.

People expect the perfect response.

The reality is, we did a pretty good job to get the levels to a certain R level, we opened up, the levels went back up.

None of the shit that was wrong was magically fixed in the couple of months they had to fix it, am I surprised. No.
the only chance we had to avoid further lockdowns was to abide by the restrictions that were in place at the time, which was an almost impossible ask in itself.
What do people expect here?

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that’s is exactly what you said and you pointed to a link where it says the ECDC said it’s the same risk as people gathering in other places

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Why not? We’re testing 100k a week now, that’s a big achievement. Why could it not be increased ten-fold?

so a massive effort to test 100k a week can suddenly, magically be ramped up 10 fold? Where do the testers come from? the labs to process the results. Lads, get back to reality here.

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Why not increase it a MILLION fold?

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A pretty good job of what?

Nursing homes
Meat factories
Contact tracing
ICU capacity?

All that was done was lockdown. It seems to be the only tool they have.


I can’t believe he posted that :rofl:

Ingrid Miley on the radio there predicting 600,000 unemployed with these restrictions

Is this a reference to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantic?

No it would take a few months to build up to that

ICU didn’t get overwhelmed because they bought private capacity, and they done it fairly quickly.
They’ve budgeted for the response well with a fairly hefty PUP for people put out of work or otherwise impacted.
The economy has fared better or on par with EU counterparts, despite the lockdowns.

All the things you’ve said they’ve got wrong they have, but so have a lot of other places, we’ve got things right too, so have other places. We aren’t much of an outlier in terms of our response or outcome.

Some of the nitty gritty in terms of restrictions are always going to be emotive but it’s a pandemic.

Expecting to be unaffected is a fools game and will not put you in a good frame of mind

who would do the testing? where would the results be processed?

Where would the testing take place?

Let’s hear some feasible solutions.