Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Why do you want the country locked down but the airports opened up?


Makes sense, you can’t go visit your folks but you can fuck off to another country on the green list. :slight_smile:

I’ve been over and back to Ireland 4 times and Italy once since July, ten flights, and I haven’t had this cod of a virus yet

Absolutely. It would be the end of me too. #sweatingbullets


Sure you could have contracted the deadly virus without realising it?

I work in an airport and didn’t wear a mask until they were mandatory. I should be dead

We need new banana bread recipes, maybe for sourdough too

Staying under the bed is probably easier.

ya good man.

Your vibe seems to be “nothing can be done”. You’re knocking any ideas to manage through this. Is there enough space under the bed there for you @mikehunt and Brenda?


I’m knocking you discrediting anything Ireland are doing to manage it as shit, while you sit in a high rise in Krakow.
There is plenty being done, not all of it agreeable or easy.
Testing the entire population is not feasible here. Zero covid is not feasible here. Herd Immunity is not feasible here.

What we are trying to do is a best case effort at marrying responses and the economy, we are making a fuck of it in parts, but anything done well is glossed over and criticized

we’re in a pandemic. Almost nothing is going to work 100%. People are expecting a perfect outcome. It’s impossible.


Ireland needs to get on with it, those clowns running the country don’t know what they are at or what the objective is, is it suppression or eradication or what? draconian measure being introduced this week that will be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of people and business, for what end, to be let out of the house for 2 weeks at Christmas and do it all over again in January, its actually driving me ape, I could se the despair in peoples eyes this weekend


let those wankers that want to rot away in their sitting room do that and let the rest of the people get on with life as best they can, my auld fella even said it this weekend, you’d be better off dead than going on like this

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He spent April, May and June with Ireland being the slowest country in Europe to reopen society telling us that we had to get it right, that we couldn’t go back to lockdown.

It’s just a default to the most conservative position to defend those calling the shots.

I see a lot of comments this morning about that chap who caused 50 odd cases and stretched resources. Looks like another strategic leak by our NPHET overlords. It’s a big “well you lot weren’t following the rules and we didn’t have the resources anyway”.

That wasn’t an issue in South Korea when they had the guy going around licking faces in nightclubs or the lady coughing and spluttering in a Starbucks. They got on top of things in a few days, that was with people lying about their location etc.

The facts are that NPHET failed to direct contact tracing beyond 48 hours. Contact tracers were redeployed over the summer. The HSE left thousands of potential contact tracers who volunteered on the shelf.

Nphet spent their summer coming up with inane regulations like €9 for a substantial meal, blocking the reopening of society due to their own personal prejudices and daily scare at bedtime stories when there were 20 cases. NPHET disengaged on things like travel once their recommendation of the easy life of mandatory quarantines was rejected. All with cash being thrown at this.

The facts are that R dropped below 1 in advance of March 28th and the full lockdown in Ireland. The Irish people showed this was possible. Since then businesses up and down the country invested in hygiene and social distancing measures, many totally unprompted. Many industries were not engaged with properly, and treated like shit (publicans, tourism, aviation).

Have standards slipped amongst the public? Sure; but that’s where they were supposed to come in. Good contact tracing & targeted measures. The case where that guy spread it to 50 something people should have been known about in days, not 2 months down the line.

NPHET are a talking shop who have utterly failed since April. Why are we giving these muppets a second chance?


and what’s happened?

Why not?

Tony Holohan and a lot of people in nephet are psychopaths

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That is proper governance.

If we can organise elections & voting centres then this idea makes sense for a smaller population like ours.

If you test positive you isolate, if you fail to isolate then off for a 3 month enforced isolation somewhere nice like Mountjoy.


Given that COVID-19 has spread, ECDC does not support measures at the borders in the current epidemiological situation as an effective way of reducing the transmission of COVID-19. This position may change if the number of cases would diminish to almost zero in some countries.

The risk of being infected on an airplane cannot be excluded but is currently considered to be low for an individual traveller, taking into consideration the measures that have been implemented and the way ventilation operates within aircraft. The risk of being infected in an airport is similar to that of any other place where many people gather.

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So what should we have done differently?

You’re claiming now it’s impossible, but back then it was to give things time so they could get their shit in order. That we needed to allow Dr Nolan time to play with his model to see the impact of opening Dubray Books would have on R.

Let’s face it, the eejits didn’t do that. We were promised South Korean levels of test and trace & the issues with tracing did not come to light until September.

As an example, do you agree that we could have been tracing more over the summer period?