Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Those who test positive self isolate for 2 weeks.

and then what?

They get tested again mate.

Why are you so negative.


Ok so someone gets a negative test immediately, whatā€™s to say they donā€™t make contact with someone two hours later getting diesel who infects them?

Nothing to say they would.

heā€™s one of those lads who will find a problem for every solution


And nothing to say they wonā€™t

test everyone every 2 weeks. Jesus, why didnā€™t all the experts think of that

I donā€™t expect the perfect response, but I expect trying to deliver on a strategy.

The strategy was for South Korean levels of testing and tracing. Thatā€™s what we were told would happen. We got into a position of having the testing capacity, but didnā€™t use it over the summer and didnā€™t put in place proper tracing.

Nphet explicitly did not follow a strategy given to them. There needs to be accountability for that.

In terms of that specific strategy, you at least have someone taking ownership and accountability for it.


Nphet will keep bottle shops open but will close gyms. They are in charge of our health?


Nope, you test positive cases 2 weeks later to see if they are now negative and no longer need to self isolate.

Why are you so negative?

do you expect that accountability to be during the crisis?

Iā€™m trying to be realistic here mate.

To be fair, they are using a different (less accurate/sensitive) testing platform so not exactly a like for like comparison


Youā€™re trying to shut down a progressive solution.

It also gives an accurate snapshot of nationwide infection rate and a better understanding of the split between symptomatic and asymptomatic cases at a given time.

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NPHET are very selective with what figures and statistics they release.

The only one that matters to me is that the number of people in hospital is roughly the same as it was last October - all during this deadly pandemic.


Itā€™s rapid testing the Slovaks use which is the only viable option in a strategy like that.

Fair play to the Slovaks - itā€™s a ballsy, progressive move.

Iā€™m not trying to shutdown anything. Iā€™m giving my opinion on why it isnā€™t a viable strategy for supression, long term

Iā€™ve already said that those would be benefits of a mass testing strategy


7 months down the line now.

There is barely a word about this in the media, why?

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I donā€™t know buddy. Do you think there is a cover up?
I donā€™t think there is that level of coordination in Ireland to cover up anything. It is what it is.

I donā€™t think there will ever be full accountability for any of the decisions made during this pandemic