Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Rapid blood tests. Bleedin rapid.

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What viable strategies have we?

Lockdowns are great, arenā€™t they?

Itā€™s the most progressive strategy Iā€™ve seen yet so why not give it a go?

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Curse the day that ā€œsuit your narrativeā€ became a phrase on tfk. Itā€™s engrained in some lads psyche now.

Look, you blamed some intrinsic weaknesses on our poor response. I pointed to a number of countries that had greater weaknesses in their systems by far, but did better than us.

The point is that your excuses for why weā€™ve done badly are no excuses.

Why canā€™t you just admit weā€™ve done a shit job and made a lot of mistakes?

Sweden and the UK didnā€™t lock down. Italy and Spain were disastrously overwhelmed at the beginning of the crisis. France and Belgium only slightly further behind.

We did lock down, our health system wasnā€™t overwhelmed. Those are major points of difference.

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I have, multiple times. Why canā€™t you accept weā€™ve done some things well. Thereā€™s balance in all things

That could still happen now with positive people. But if they tested positive most people would behave decently. People who donā€™t would be fucked into prison.

What viable strategies are there? I havenā€™t seen one that is a fit for Ireland
lockdowns are fucking terrible

because testing the entire population doesnā€™t necessarily mean you will be future proof from further restrictions/lockdowns. Itā€™s a huge gamble and I donā€™t see the upside

Lock millions of people inside their houses for months if not years on end. Why didnā€™t the experts think of that?


Youā€™ve made excuses for why weā€™ve done badly, repeatedly. Iā€™ve shown those excuses donā€™t stand up.

I think the only thing we did well was the PUP. Up to the point they cut it for loads of people and had to reverse those decisions subsequently. I donā€™t think weā€™ve managed any other aspect well.

Every time I point out what weā€™re not doing well or what other countries do better you try to contradict it. Itā€™s strange.

thatā€™s hyperbole @Tank and disingenuous. Nobody is locked inside their home. They are restricting movement and contacts. You should know this, youā€™re not long back from a nice holiday. We are living in a time of a pandemic.

The severity of restrictions on movement and contact will vary based on the incidence of the virus.

Iā€™ve given reasons for why weā€™ve done badly. They arenā€™t excuses.

Comparing countries, during the pandemic is pointless mate.

I was out in the car there, News at One all about the pending lockdown, itā€™s dark and it pissing rain and then Liveline comes on and treats us to an hour about suicide. Could it get any bleaker.


How is it a huge gamble? What are the consequences of it?

you spend billions testing 5 million people. one month later the incidence is high again and youā€™ve to introduce restrictions. you pay double penalty

We spend billions implementing lockdowns after lockdowns anyway.

How is it a gamble in line with the other strategies pursued which cost billions?

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You could have been listening to Ray Dā€™Arcy

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I just said it isnā€™t a guarantee against future lockdowns. I donā€™t know what you arenā€™t getting here bud. You could spend billions, on top of the other billions for an experiment, that isnā€™t controlled (unless you lockdown the entire country in parallel with the testing/processing etc)

George Lee on the six one news later.

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It isnā€™t a guarantee but neither are any of the other strategies being pursued. The upshot of that strategy is it genuinely could form some part of a progressive solution. Wasting billions is nowhere near a valid excuse when you look at the money being pumped into combating Covid at present.

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Dublin are on course for 6 in a row.

all we can do is watch with anticipation mate, lets see if if Slovakia can implement it and if the results are worthwhile