Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Lads itā€™s not often we get a second chance donā€™t waste this lockdown. Get out there, get fit and bake some bread.:grinning:


A holiday somewhere he can take drugs and party is the concern Iā€™d imagine.

Donā€™t let an opportunity pass you buy, purchase one todayā€¦ cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Iā€™ve ordered 2. One for each of my properties.:grinning:

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Heā€™s very transparent for a top 5 smartest poster

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Heā€™s fuming he canā€™t head off now cos it would look bad in the eyes of the head of his department etcā€¦

The next six weeks is critical.


How close are we now year to date in terms of meeting our obligated 7% reduction in carbon emissions?

Please tell me the golf courses are shutting?

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Iā€™m completely apathetic to the whole thing now. We had level 3 announced two weeks ago. We are told it takes up to three weeks for implementation of restrictions to take effect. So although cases have only doubled in that period, not an exponential increase as weā€™ve been told is happening, but weā€™ve now gone up two levels since that. Not that there is anything new here, but all this stuff is making zero sense. Iā€™m just sick of it all. Itā€™s fucking constant negativity and scare mongering and itā€™s absolutely draining. Iā€™m in the alright Jack category, Iā€™ve work confirmed until after Christmas so itā€™s not affecting work, which is great. But there is far more to life than work. Young lad had started back soccer, eldest back doing gymnastics. both now off. Weā€™d started back swimming with the kids. Now thatā€™s gone too. There just seems to be no end plan. Lock down for 6 weeks. Then what? When cases rise again? Another lock down?


I agree with you but have to laugh at the irony of a post on TFK bemoaning constant negativity :smile:


Ah sure I know. But if I donā€™t vent on here and get it out of my system Iā€™d be a narky cunt in real life. Tfk is like a therapy session


I think it was leaked that kids training is going to stay

Tis, but what constitutes kids?

All ours have already been cancelled, after getting texts to that effect.

Possibly because it was presumed they werenā€™t allowed in level 5

What time is mickey making the briefing. Will he quote a movie

No but heā€™ll be showing his fangs and waving his hands a lot

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I was doing a presentation today that had some pie chart totting up to 101%.

Itā€™s rounding, innit?

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