Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

A Mayo footballer to give everyone hope, just what the country needs right now


Everytime thereā€™s a poll on RTE more of me dies inside


Level 5 for the leprechaun. Hup out of it

Currently. You keep rocking there Che Guevera.

Agreed. a reaction to that Dutch cunt last week

You have to realise that a lot of people find Rory Stories funny. These are the kinds of people we are dealing with

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Did she say 67% of people polled donā€™t want the championship to go ahead?

Who are these people

Trump supporters

In the interests of balance (and in the interests of being a contrarian) Iā€™m going to set out the arguments in favour of moving to Level 5. Happy to be corrected on any of these, but this is my understanding:

  1. The data on death rates is fairly important to understanding the seriousness of Covid 19. We had the ad in the Irish Times last week that was claiming the death rate is inflated (but which made some factual errors of its own). But the ā€œunderlying conditionsā€ issue is a fairly significant distortion on what the actual death rate is.
    One of the more interesting reports on the death rate was from HIQA in the summer which estimated a 33% excess in the expected death rate for Q2 2020 (from around the time of the first case until the drop off in June).
    Thatā€™s a high number. A one third increase in our death rate isnā€™t something to just dismiss out of hand.

  2. Itā€™s very clear that the number of cases has increased significantly in recent weeks and on current trends is only going one way. Itā€™s hard to imagine the cases levelling off without some ā€œcorrectiveā€ measures. Because of lag times this isnā€™t always immediately visible which is frustrating because itā€™s hard to conclusively associate the data with the ā€œcorrective measuresā€ butā€¦

  3. Itā€™s very hard to argue that the first lockdown was not a success from a public health point of view. Any graph of Covid cases or deaths illustrates the obvious effectiveness of a strict type of lock down in addressing the disease in the short term.
    The lesser level measures we have adopted since havenā€™t been effective in slowing down the spread.

  4. There are hopefully a few lessons to be learned from that first wave:

  • Nursing homes need to be protected much more and insulated as much as possible as humanely as possible
  • Schools and childcare are important to the health of society and, given the lower infection rates via children, can be allowed to open
  • The isolation in the first wave was too drastic and the idea of ā€œsocial bubblesā€ makes much more sense.
  1. Back to health, and we simply donā€™t have the ICU capacity that other countries have. Which makes comparisons with other countries less relevant.
  • The UK have obviously a much better capacity but also a government that has a far greater tolerance for deaths than Iā€™m comfortable with and theyā€™re locking down anyway
  • The rest of the EU pretty much put our health system to shame.
  • It would be great to take the millions of Euro this is going to cost us and invest it in expanding our ICU capability instead but apparently these things take time. This is where the government really loses me though. Show me the plan to double or triple our ICU capacity in the next couple of years and Iā€™ll be far more tolerant of restrictive social measures.
  1. This was probably more relevant around the point #2 section but there is an argument that weā€™re detecting more cases now but donā€™t actually have that much greater of an infection rate. But we have 3 times the number of cases now than we had when we entered the first lockdown so weā€™d need to be 3 times better at testing for us to be in a less serious situation.

  2. Whatā€™s the plan? Thereā€™s no plan other than the vaccine which is a crap plan. But is managing it now so weā€™re not locked down for Christmas the worst idea in the world? (If one accepts we need to curtail cases and deaths, and interested to hear who thinks we shouldnā€™t).

Bullet point summary

We canā€™t deal with this sort of rate of increase in hospitalisations:


Selfish Giant and his blue shirt mates

Sure who would be bothered doing these surveys only grannies. Probably petrified at home after listening to RTƉ for the past 6 months.

My missus is seething at David Brady here. :joy:

For my own zen I will stop watching Rte for a while

Drama about Denis Nielsen on tv3 will do for now

You called in April.

This Scotch lad is a great man

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They probably just injected into their arses to make them bigger sure.

Brady talking a lot of sense here

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Fuck off Oā€™Rourke the animals in the GAA clubs were spreaders with their carry on after county finals.


Watching the press conference here on RTE News Now, channel 521.

Martin getting ratty at journalists who dare to press him on the many inconsistencies of this issue. Heā€™s fierce snarky when challenged, thoroughly unlikeable.

At other times heā€™d laughing away with journalists who are favourable to him, heā€™s moved on quickly from consigning hundreds of thousands of people to unemployment and huge economic hardship, never mind the inevitable rises in depression and suicides.

The most watery Taoiseach of all time. And a complete fucking prick to boot.


You might take a lot of heat for that.