Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Itā€™s bordering on outrageous. Scientists shutting stuff down based on no evidence or data. Leaving places with cases open. Iā€™d see myself as level headed but itā€™s insulting to peopleā€™s intelligence.

Their Level 3 which is 3 days old allows indoor dining. Now it doesnā€™t. Based on folklorism and narcissism.

Saturday of Go Games, Kilmainham Gaol and Croke Park Museum with kids all booked and now cancelled. But Dundrum Shopping Centre can open with 5000 people. :man_shrugging:t2:


Theyā€™re not making it up as they go along or anything

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Why is Eamon Ryan being wheeled out?

I canā€™t play that video. Have the powers that be disappeared it?

Itā€™s a load of wank so not to worry.

Itā€™s just a load of medical experts categorically saying that masks were not needed.

Some guy called Luke Oā€™Neill completely ruling out the need for them




George Lee has some neck. Does he know itā€™s not his job to defend NPHETS views, heā€™s supposed to be an impartial reporter. Yet there he was on the news defending Philip Nolanā€™s spiel on Twitter today on pubs and restaurants. Explaining Philips views and calling it an ā€œelaborateā€ response. Basically he was saying that NPHET are completely right about everything and people who have the nerve to disagree are wrong. Has George disagreed with anything NPHET have done since this started?


New world order agent.

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Along with rest of the media.

The supermarkets on the North Wexford Riviera are full of invaders. To be honest, I donā€™t blame them.

Not sure.

Just find it odd that the experts (and Simon Harris) went from being so categorical that they were unhelpful and even posed a risk to them suddenly mandating them everywhere

Spot on. Sorry to hear your plans have been ruined by a load of medics who are picking low hanging fruit and a government without the balls to make a real decision. Like really what are they expecting to happen. Of course cases are going to go down a bit with restrictions but theyā€™re just going to go back up in time. Back in March when this thing was new then lockdown was fair enough but is whatā€™s happening now not proof that lockdown doesnā€™t really work. Itā€™s just a band aid on an open wound


Look mate, it was in the early stages of a pandemic. They were trying to keep people off the streets & PPE was scarce.

You, I know are better than that. Raising fucking oddball videos made by weirdos who actually believe NPHET & Government have any vested interest in the current plight weā€™re all in.

That wasnā€™t my aim. I dislike the mask mandate but Iā€™ll follow it. I wear one for 12 hours at work.

I was just illustrating how these lads can often have things arseways yet still behave as if they are issuing ironclad scientific advice when they are actually peddling horse shit


Itā€™s fairly depressing the amount of people who think COVID-19 is all a cod still at this stage.

I fully agree that life must go on and we need to live with this & protect the vulnerable.
People need to get that level of normality back without question.

But, people have dropped their guards. Their actions are terrifying elderly people.

My old man, in his early 80ā€™s and in fair fettle etc. He was happy away to stay independent and go to town for his bits & bobs.
Spoke to him during the week & he says he hasnā€™t been in town in 10 days.
I was surprised so called to see him & see was all okay. He was grand thankfully but he bluntly said he didnā€™t feel comfortable in town anymore.

He felt that people were back to crowding on top of each other, no patience or space being given even to an elderly man.
Is it fair that for all those who claim itā€™s a cod & we should drive on again that a man who in his golden years is afraid to go to town?

The Country took the pain in March - April and suppressed this disease effectively but itā€™s all forgotten now it seems.
People unwilling to wear a mask or use sanitizer entering public spaces.

Itā€™s a pity.


What a jokeā€¦ We all know covid is a complete cod.


I think in certain settings theyā€™ve been too cautious. I believe theyā€™ve fucked up royally by not being clear in delivering the most important message. Social Distancing & Good Hygiene.

They have ruined the golden years of our old and the best years of our young over a fucking flu. Oh and raped the economy to death in the process, that too