Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

4 weeks minimum in fact.

Iā€™d say another 6 months with the teachers getting their way and not going back after the mid term

A lad at our work ( who gets COVID leave that doesnā€™t affect his sick leave record and full pay on same) decided to come in the other day despite being a close contact of a confirmed case and having a sore throat and a temperature.

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You should have brought him out and shot him.

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He must be a bit of a retard

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The outbreak linked to the county minor panel here was definitely transmitted to a few more in the school on the following Monday, but the symptoms passed quickly amongst that cohort. Some of the parents are sick still.

He is a bit of a retard in fairness

Did the Irish government ever consider a circuit breakers instead of this catastrophic approach

Circuit breaker

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Gyms closing nationwide for the sake of the nationā€™s health. You couldnā€™t make it up


Say it ainā€™t soā€¦ Iā€™m devastatedā€¦ Fkn Grrrrrrrā€¦


I can do a daily Jo Wicks style session on Zoom for all ye lads under house arrest in Ireland


Some of us have to work even though we are under house arrest.

there isnā€™t a tap of work being done, its all a cod

Itā€™s a cunt of a drug, try speed instead, cheaper too

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Helluva drug.

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Misery sells

And bidness is good.

Weā€™ll get our 12 pubs yet lads.

4 weeks and weā€™ll be out and about.

I thought youā€™d lost your mind there for a minute