Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

63k hospitality jobs could be gone by the end of the year #we’reallinthistogether


why do you want thousands of people to die mate?

Pity this is in the Daily Mail so will be ignored

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Maybe they can get work cleaning up all the dead bodies piled up on the streets.

Associating all of Dolphins Barn with crack dens are we? Doesn’t take much for your prejudices to slip out, you snobby, snivelling little cunt.

Its gas that these modelers are still given oxygen. The likes of McDonkey and co were wildly off (literally by hundreds of thousands of deaths in the case of Sweden) just a few months ago. Yet they’re back again now, peddling more doom, and people are still lapping it up.

By any metric, this “deadly virus” is WAY down the list of causes of death the average person should worry about going about their business.


You’re more likely to die having a bath apparently.

I never take baths.

Then you’re more likely to die of coronavirus than having a bath. You may want to rethink your strategy.


396 new cases confirmed.

Zero Deaths

241 cases are in Dublin, 36 in Cork, 19 in Donegal, 12 in Galway, 11 in Meath, 11 in Kildare, 9 in Monaghan, 7 in Louth, 6 in Clare, 6 in Offaly, 6 in Waterford and 5 in Wicklow, with the remaining 27 cases spread across 11 counties.

Cork really making a move. Can’t have Dublin hogging the limelight

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Covid showing its Corkness.

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Two weeks ago there was “concern” over Limerick and Dublin. The last 14 days have indeed told a lot.

NPHET doing their best to dampen the Bennett celebrations

Are all these tests absolutely necessary? Like 14,000 a day for about 300 cases. Surely the experts in NPHET and the HSE can tighten the criteria somewhat? This must be savage resource intensive

Sure with schools back you’ve to be tested for a cough. Ridiculous

There must be loads of people being tested for a lot less? 100,000 people a week having flu symptoms/cough or having a “close contact” with about 1,500 cases seems very high

I wonder will our Taoiseach have the gumption to lock Cork down.

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The whole country will be put to Level 3 I fear. Dublin to Level 4.


A national lockdown seems inevitable now. NPHET will push for it

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