Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The teaching profession is treated as the national toilet.


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@Batigol, what’s the craic at the airport? Are they actually trying anything to stop people from Dublin travelling?


Watching the news there earlier there was a report showing a Garda checkpoint in Dolphins Barn. What’s the point of a Garda checkpoint in Dolphins Barn?

Someone might wander in

It appeared to be outbound.

McGregor and Tubs arriving for a crack party

Would they be targeting certain members of the local community rather than innocent commuters I wonders?

Tubbers could update his early summer mantra of do you want to be Texas or New Zealand to a much more easily understood

Do you want to be Blanchardstown or Blackrock - Mulhuddart or Malahide?


Checking for combat sports stars on their way in or out of crack dens?

I’m not due in till tomorrow but I’d be fairly certain the answer is no

Lads I don’t really see where the improvement in numbers will come from in Dublin. Numbers around here are low enough and while theres care around visiting gaffs and fellas aren’t going to the pub, pretty much every other aspect of normal life remains. And that’s in an area with goodish numbers relatively speaking.

Level 4 it is so.


NPHET don’t have clue, they’re just guessing and have no issue with going harder. The Government should have been the ones to think about that but it’s panic stations.

I’m convinced when this is all over, NPHET are going to come out of it very badly. The government of course will just continue to pass the buck by parroting “we’ve followed NPHET’s advice. They are the experts”.


It’ll be a bit like NAMA. Everyone will know they’ve made a complete bollocks of it but no one will say anything bar Mick Wallace.

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Tax cheat Mick Wallace.