Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I doubt the Brazilians at the rave in Meath or the lads in Oliver Bond know or care less who Brezzie is.

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The point is not to achieve anything but to look like they are doing something is all. Leo and Simon also love to be down with the cool kids so it’s a win win for them.


Its like a hail Mary in the 4th quarter here at the moment. Luke O Neill basically said this morning that washing hands doesn’t really help with Coronavirus. Said it was non transmittable on surfaces. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing after 6 months of messaging. Maybe he had a few too many last night after seeing his company sell for €380m. Philip Nolan has been outed for what we suspected all along as a complete spoofer. Tubridy had one last go at being Jimmy Stewart voice of a nation on Friday which went down like a lead balloon. Thats even before we get to the politicians like Donnelly and Martin who quite frankly, the less said the better, in both instances. Quite simply, I think they are all out of ideas. You would fear for what is coming down the track. Not the “critical next 2 week period” but the next 3 months.


Apparently the crowd at the bleedin Oliver Bond Flaaa s went wild their home grown hero MC Baldy Mcdonagh took to the mic.

That’s the whole pandemic response summed up

Out of interest where did you hear that?

Pat Kenny show this morning

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So all the washing your hands bollox is bollox?

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If he said its bollox, then I would advise strongly to wash your hands multiple times a day.


They would be better off to ask Christy Kinahan.


By who?! O’Neill?!

The pubs opening is a huge blow to the medical dictatorship. I sense there is something very special brewing around Ireland now.

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Katie Hannon but mostly by his own hand.

Always choose chicken with the bord bia quality mark

Its undeniable that alcohol puts a lot of strain on health service especially A&E at weekends so there is unquestionably some animosity in some quarters of HSE/NPHET but that is not responsibility of pub owners who are trying to make a living.

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Brenda on Facebook needs to be reassured .

How so?

Where the fuck are the Oliver Bond flats, I need to get there.

Between James’s Gate and the Quays

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The locals in The Gravediggers in Glasnevin play it. The place would be packed and they getting thick when someone gets in their line. Landmark pubs like this are often full of cunts.