Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Bressie is available to influence the yoof. For a very reasonable rate.

They need to ensure pubs close before midnight … the last thing we need is lads arriving in on their stag after 3 pints and taking up a trolley for the night.

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Hit the pubs early and often

RTE reporters despatched around the country, trying to uncover rogue pubs not adhering to the guidelines.

When an 87-year-old in Mullingar or Tullamore orders a pint in his local, while committing the heinous crime of being stood at the bar, there’ll be hell to pay.


When a lot of these cunts went to college to study journalism they thought they could be Seymour Hersh and go on to make change .

Their career peak will be catching a 70 year old watching Listowel races with a quiet pint in some bar straddling cork / Kerry / limerick border


22392 tests over the weekend.

647 of those were positive. Approx 2.89%

Positive for what, though?

Kites being flown for national lockdown

She mentions worrying trends in Limerick
Is the cases per 100k halving in Limerick over the past week a worrying trend?

Lads in Dublin will need to get the hair cut this week.

Fairly clear Dublin will be at Level 4 and rest of country Level 3.

I’m assuming the six counties where cases are not trending down will be left at level/stage 2?

So masks have done near enough fuck all, “Just make them wear a mask so in case things go to shit we will (literally) be covered.”

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There was a case in a Starbucks in South Korea where a woman infected 27 other customers but not the staff who were wearing mask.


They’d despise a cunt like you mate, stick to the whelans crowd and mocha lattes

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The virus is airborne. The only thing that will actually prevent transmission is to stop breathing.


Luke O’Neill there said you could pick it up from surfaces but really only where there was a huge load like in a hospital or nursing home.

Limerick is after stabilizing surely? Cork will be the next to fall.

Limerick cases have halved in a week.
Our population is so small cases per 100k is a dodgy enough metric.
One cluster can skew a whole county.

A family of 5 gets it in Leitrim and their per 100k goes to 15 straight away