Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Why is that not practicable? Itā€™s a lot more practicable than a national lockdown surely? A national lockdown is most likely where weā€™re headed because stage 3+ and stage 4 both target restaurants, which is not the real source of the current increase of transmissions. The fact that you would find closing entire sectors of the economy and a national lockdown more practicable than increased hygiene measures in nursing homes just shows exactly how much healthcare workers are trapped in a myopic bubble.

However I enjoyed your post very much, itā€™s always very nice to see Ironmouth getting his ass handed to him.

Now for the shorter post I had plannedā€¦

Fuck the dictatorship of the moral majority.

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Fuck this democracy of hypocrisy.


My biggest issue with NPHET at the moment is that they donā€™t seem to put in the hard yards in investigating Irish cases. I donā€™t think itā€™s good enough to be honest. Nolan blames resourcing and then backed down on that, claiming Irish people were forgetful. There were less than 15 outbreaks in restaraunts/pubs/cafes up to last week. Forgetting about the 48 hours, did they really follow up on all of these outbreaks? Did they ask about table spacing, numbers in the premises that they etc. If it was a patron spreading it, then they realistically need to isolate only a couple of hour blocks. Get the contact details of other people there sitting across the premises, at the very least call them. What is the point of having an App and maintaining contact details for 28 days otherwise?

I look at South Korea. @Fagan_ODowd mentioned the big outbreak in a Starbucks there a while ago. They were able to analyse it, figuring out the impact of air conditioning and masks on the situation.

I know exactly what Nolan and NPHET will come back with. The last time they gave a few derisory newspaper clippings to the VFI, who were treated like shit and the population gave little support to. Nolan will probably put a bit more effort into it. Thereā€™ll be studies of indoor aerosals, heā€™ll use the example of increases in US states where cases increased after indoor dining was brought back and and a few random one off examples. This isnā€™t really good enough tbh, a lot of those studies are either poorly sampled or have unique characteristics. Is that characteristic it being a one off with regulations not implemented? Is it that capacity was different to Irish restaurants? Is is climatic- would Air Conditioning be involved?

I donā€™t think anyone is going to deny that these premises can spread the virus, but we need to know the extent. We need to know are they the crucial driver.

NPHET are reactive and dismissive of questions that come their way. It isnā€™t good enough.

Governmentally, Iā€™ve had issues with them for longer.


Because, its not just changing PPE, they would have to change their scrubs and PPE (ie down to their pelt and gown back up) between every patientā€¦ That takes timeā€¦ meanwhile you have an elderly gent or lady sitting in their own vomit/urine/any other bodily fluid you care to imagineā€¦ Its just not practicable

It may seem paradoxical but I donā€™t disagree with most of what you wrote. I would make one addition to the point about NPHET thoughā€¦ they are human, therefore fallible and make mistakes.
I have never lived in South Korea but in good old Eire, we have a habit of crucifying anyone who admits to any level of errorā€¦ paralysis by analysis (maybe sans analysis)

Few things on last nightā€™s Claire Byrne show.

ā€¢That quiz was one of the cringiest things I have
ever seen. Junior infants level stuff.

ā€¢ Staines said this isnā€™t as bad as they thought it was going to be. So why no change to what ye are at thenā€¦ dickheads. I detest the cunt. Heā€™s a horrible bastard. Cant pinpoint what it is exactly but Iā€™d puck the head off him given half a chance.

ā€¢ his statement that worse is around the corner I took to mean a worse virus is on the way. Scaremongering is all he was at. Humans have dealt with plagues since the dawn of man and survived. Weā€™re much more advanced now. This hyperbole has been going on for decades and each outbreak is the ā€œoneā€ these clowns have been waiting for. Always proven to not be as apocolyptic then as they predicted in hindsight.

ā€¢ Niamh Horan seems like sheā€™d be much better craic in the sack than Claire.


Fallible my bollix. Theyā€™ve been surfing off the nations good will for six months.


do not provoke the virusā€¦

Up Chipp

Dun Laoghaire Golf Club has asked non Dublin members to not come to the club until the restrictions have lifted. This would seem relatively normal except that Dun Laoghaire Golf Club is located in Co. Wicklow :laughing:


Yeah. Youā€™re right. Itā€™s not as if weā€™ve seen examples of bodies piling up or running out of space to put them in some of the most advanced cities in the world or anything like that.

Or did we?

But covid is handier now so the possibility of that must be gone completely now, is it?

We saw examples of health systems struggling to cope (and in a few incidences overwhelmed for several weeks) but nowhere near the level of deaths that was predicted. Which is a positive I would have thought. And not the apocalyptic scenario many were predicting.

So bodies piling up in refrigerated trucks is not apocalyptic enough for you?

Even if you think it could have been apocalyptickier, those scenes werenā€™t bad enough to justify caution for you?

I think itā€™s strange how fast people forgot the situations that occurred when the virus got out of hand elsewhere. Mad.

But sure itā€™s all a cod open it up


Whoā€™s saying that? We have had several months to study the virus. Improve health systems. Assess the risk. Protect the vulnerable. Make a plan going forward. Its clear that this impacts on a very small proportion of the population. Terrible but not exactly an end of days type event. In saying that the reaction to it could lead to massive econmic collapse worldwide which in turn could lead to famine war etc. Which if you look at history has happened over and over and been the catalyst for the end of manys an empire and civilisation.

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Iā€™d be confident Mick Lowry will make a few phone calls and have us on Level 1 by the end of the week.

You were saying it. You described warnings as hyperbole, not as apocalytic as predicted.

How apocalyptic is apocalyptic enough for you?

Even the UK who barely bothered their holes reacting in the beginning are now implementing the same restrictions we are.


Having managed this worse than most other countries you now want us to throw our hat at it because sure history has had worse. Genius.

There must be a way of protecting the economy while blah blah blah. What country has done it? Pretty much all of Europe has similar restrictions to us in effect, to a greater or lesser degree.

I have a feeling Level 1 is going to be a mystical place that can never be reached