Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


By god ā€¦ this topic has gotten no where since Marchā€¦

Tracing / testing needs improving.
We need to invest in covid centres, that keep infected people away from hospitals and/or their families until they recover.

not much you can do after that but the above should be well sorted and working as well as can be by now - but theyā€™re not, weā€™re still miles, and miles and miles off.


What would you describe predicting hundreds of millions of deaths as?

I didnā€™t say this. Youā€™re making stuff up now. Are you okay?

I dunno maybe an end of days type event. Not something that will barely scrape in the top ten preventable causes of death this year. Measures need to be taken to try protect people. But getting hysterical like you are is of no use to anyone. A bit of perspective goes a long way.

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Youā€™re the only one thatā€™s gotten hysterical.

You wrote a silly paragraph about how we should now be able to protect people and the economy without these restrictions that you donā€™t like.

Do explain how.

Or, point to one country that has done it.

Iā€™ve pointed out to you quite reasonably that pretty much all of Europe is in a similar position to us, some to greater or lesser degrees. That is perspective.

People who wear glasses have less social contacts than people who wear contacts?

Jim Corr has yet to go full @ironmoth


Up next does wiping your hole with baby wipes stop covid? Is ruining the environment worth preventing a virus that has 0.001% chance of killing you. The moral dilemma of the 21st century.

Click bait will save us from covid

His haircut. It has to be. His hairstyle is like Lady In Red era Chris De Burghā€™s do.

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If sunglasses can protect you from the virus it might account for the lower incidences in the richer areas of Dublin

Thereā€™s an arsehole came out of my degrees

  1. There are probably an infinite number of parallel universes.
  2. We donā€™t know where out universe came from, where it is going, or what will happen to it, so thereā€™s that.

Of course the young are more valuable than the elderly.
Look at the added reaction and grief when a child dies over that of an 80 year old.
I hope and think that when Iā€™m 80 I will think exactly the same, tell the young to belt away, and Iā€™ll mind myself, and take my chances.
Thatā€™s an excellent post though.
The govt really should be informing the population of exactly how far they will go on the economy and on other illnesses to try to mitigate covid, and why.
The population should be sensible enough to have a debate free of hysteria.
The govt should ignore Twitter.


Inis Mor.

We wont have to worry about any of it ā€¦ The planet as we know it will be dead within a 1000 years ā€¦ it will reboot and go again.

This is all very reassuring

They could change every 3 or 4 patients or every hour or something, that would be a fair compromise. 100% safety canā€™t be guaranteed. The lockdown doesnā€™t guarantee 100% safety for the people in nursing homes either.

There was something else I wanted to say to your post (which was excellent), far above the standard we expect around here). You gave the example of a father being unemployed for 6 months. Those people are all going to be longterm unemployed for years because either the lockdown ends or it goes on for years.

Also, this isnā€™t exactly something that you said but itā€™s being portrayed in the media as health vs economy but thereā€™s more to it than that. I havent heard anyone seriously question whether thereā€™s any point living to 100 if you spend your life locked inside or unable to go to a restaurant (which is where weā€™re going because stage 3+ is sure to fail). On Claire Byrne last night they started talking about the economic plight of out of work theatre actors. You donā€™t think that any theatre actor got into the profession for the money? Thereā€™s more that motivates them than that. Anybody with a different perspective on life has been dismissed completely. Thereā€™s only one government approved perspective on life now and a major taboo against questioning it.


Iā€™m not sure I get your point here. Theyā€™re on it it for the money so it doesnā€™t affect them much?

Or rather, their livelihood has been taken away and there is no prospect of future work and it looks quite grim.

I think Sarah is Max headroomsā€™ daughter.