Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Thats 3 less cases in ICU than Paul Reid announced this morning; if that trend continues we could have -26 people in ICU in 2 weeks time.

0.12% fatality rate
2.89% hospitalisation rate

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Pennys, got a whole lotta things for Christmas
Got a lot for the family

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cc @alf_stewart

Again, not one country has nailed this yet and all of Europe is in a similar state to us, introducing various restrictions to try to curb rising numbers.

But you reckon we have had a few months so should make a plan going forward.

We have a plan, you just don’t like it. Maybe it isn’t going forward enough?

Some kid in the lads’ secondary school tested positive for the Covid yesterday. The school quarantined the class for a day!

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Cases for Monday and Tuesday last week were higher than Monday and Tuesday this week.

We’re not seeing exponential growth in cases. No growth in deaths six weeks after cases started to rise again.

Fatality rate of 0.12 per cent. Hospitalisation at 2.89 per cent. We’ll lose more lives because the whole health system is being directed at Covid.

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In fairness, there is a balancing point on keeping healthcare going whilst having a level of Covid infections in hospitals.

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The plan is an omni shambles as some of the papers described it. It’ll be forgotten about in a few weeks. What has been done to improve health service capacity? Track and trace? What happens when the hospitals are packed like they are every winter? Do you think the last 3/4 months where we had scope to implement improvements were used wisely? I dont. And I happen to think piecemeal restrictions are going to be of no benefit in the long run.


Philip Schoiutfield

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Serious question, has it been discussed anywhere in the real world why the likes of sligo kerry and tipp aren’t at level 1?

Is there clearly defined criteria for moving places through the levels?


Good one @Horsebox


@the_man_himself was saying earlier that Level 1 was a mythical place that’s impossible to get to.

I’d say he could be right.

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Ah, but a mans reach should exceed his grasp

I scanned the “plan” there. There appears to be no defined criteria numbers wise just reference to “low” and “high” which of course can be interpreted differently depending who is looking at the numbers and why of course it would be immediately rejected as a “plan” by a 2nd year project management student. They’ve also given more space in the “plan” to communication than they’ve given for the “plan” for returning to normal health services and any detail about how they are ramping up testing and tracing and whatnot.

In other words it’s a ball of shit.


And level one isn’t next nor near normality

Sure they’ve five clearly defined phases and Dublin has already been on two that aren’t on the map and it’s a week old