Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Sadly, there is very little that the population in this little country can debate without an element of hysteria


Can it enter through top of your head?

No my point is that the primary motivation for most of these people was not monetary, rather they were prepared to make sacrifices for their art and also perhaps for a vision of how they wanted to live their lives. The real question is not health vs economy, the real question is how do people want to spend their time on earth? They made a decision that they didnā€™t want to spend their time on earth being dominated by fear. Now the government is telling them that they have to be dominated by fear whether they like it or not.

So we should be ating meat while we can

I visited someone in the hospital during peak covid. There was a stack of PPE outside. Whenever doctors or nurses visited a room on the ward they put on a brand new set of PPE. No matter how long they were in the room they stripped before leaving, dumped the PPE and sanitised. It was carnage for PPE supplies.

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Your only job is to leave the place in a better way for your kids - thatā€™s all we are all charged withā€¦ the planet is fast approaching crisis point tho and our kids will have a hell of a job undoing our mess.

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I think you should work on your reading comprehension.

Fella who had the virus on tv3 news giving a heartfelt plea ā€œdonā€™t drop your guard or the corona virus will kill you, as I have experiencedā€



Telpis RIP

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334 cases

Zero deaths

174 cases are in Dublin.

34 in Cork, 30 in Kildare, 18 in Donegal, 10 in Galway, 10 in Louth, 6 in Clare, 6 in Mayo, 6 in Meath, 6 in Roscommon, 6 in Waterford, 5 in Limerick, with the remaining 23 spread across 11 counties.

No deaths again is good,

Any word on ICU numbers @Copper_pipe?

94 confirmed cases in hospitals (14 people admitted, 10 discharged). 16 confirmed cases in ICU (1 adm, 1 dis).

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We are nowhere near numbers in hospital as we were back in March/April, why are we being pushed by NPHET/government towards another national lockdown which seems inevitable now.

Announce Corkdown

Back then it was to flatten curve/stop hospitals being overrun. Now itā€™s to eradicate the virus which we have seen is not possible.

Be interesting to see update stats on recent cases Percentages

  • no symptoms
  • level of illness
  • hospitalisation
  • deaths

Growing view that 50 per cent of us or more have T cell immunity which means there cannot be a second wave. Itā€™s dangerous to elderly people and people with underlying conditions but we are not being told anymore how many people have no symptoms or a very mild illness


They are key stats why arenā€™t we being told this? Why wonā€™t journalists request this information?

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Thatā€™s simply because the elderly and the vulnerable are still minding themselves.

We need cool heads right now and itā€™s important not to panic.

Of course the current government are in full panic mode.

Because they are either lazy or thick as pigshit.


This is the latest HPSC report. Itā€™s a detailed as reports go so far from the department.

Summary characteristics of confirmed COVID-19 cases notified in Ireland from 07/09/2020 up to midnight 20/09/2020

3,353 cases notified between the above dates.