Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

FIngers crossed.

For bird flu?

Cc @ironmoth

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The micks too busy hiding under the bed to do anything constructive.

People have been filling it in online and then showing the email receipt to immigration officers. It speeds up the process but all the receipt will show is the passenger’s name.

They could have filled anything in for their details.

Half the paper forms are filled in incorrectly or are illegible.

The Passenger locator form has been the ultimate example of doing something to be seen to be doing something. Utter busy work


More people will end up dying of dodgy vaccines than coronavirus.

Macwilliams is virtue signalling to OIUTF for months now, treading carefully not to called out by the twitter mob

Some ex-pat muldoon on there from China with Clare Byrne. Says everything there is back to normal, pubs, cinemas etc. Wears th’oull mask if entering public transport pre heat test. Everything according to Paddy seems to have reverted to normal, but he did stress they’re not allowing anybody into the country.
Crisis seems to be drawing to a close, another 6 months of adhering to rules and everything will be hunky dory. Them Chinese are, after all, a great bunch of lads.

Hold the line and we’ll be back to full throttle just into the New Year.

Ryan and McConkey are at that. Seething no doubt after Giesecke sent them home with tae in their mug.

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Completely agree, there is absolutely no point to it, it’s utterly without use or effect. The fact that it took a month or two to move online was a joke.

In other countries it’s done online and each form has a unique barcode, the code will determine whether you are random tested on arrival or not. That makes good sense, it has a use. Ours has no use at all. It’s things like that that make me start to wonder if our health service is shit because the officials in are so shit.

That should never be considered “normal”. Ever.

The mask has been normal in Asia for quite some time. Long before this though.

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Officials could be limited by the art of the possible.

They may have planned for testing at airports but been shoved back because of availability/cost.

Incompetence is just assumed now with anything related to the response.

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So is eating bats and everything else that moves and look where that has got us

Yerrah those French cunts eat snails.

@balbec eats fucking swans.

Where does it end?


Thanks for coming back on that… As you have said yourself, it detects the virus, it may even detect viral RNA where there are is no longer viable virus. In your opinion, is there a better alternative out there?

As for ramblings, I’m glad you have read all c. 20 of mys posts in 2020… at least somebody has…

Now De Gascun says more restrictions needed and no vaccine in 2021. And even then it may not be that effective.

Shannon had no flat surface so you ended up trying to fill it in on your hand, with your bags and two vagabond Childer to control.

Meanwhile state epidemiologist, Martin Breheny, says Croke Park might not be full for 5 years and that’s being optimistic.

Not like Martin to be a miserable depressing cunt. Him and Roy’s conversations must be epic.

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