Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Are they now. The Chinese love of cleamery pints must have been just too much.

The cases in Limerick have fallen off a cliff the last 5-6 days or more, from being in a space where we were being mentioned in the same breath almost as Dublin. Clearly the media have been instructed by their mates in government to brace us for more lockdowns besides just Dublin. Do folks suspect there could be a national upgrade to grade 3 or could this continue to be county specific? Donegal, Cork, Waterford seem to be the latest growth hotspots.

There’s no justification to upgrade any county and counties with lower levels should be downgraded.

However it’s not a real plan and metrics are not transparent so who the fuck knows.

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I think the Local Electorate Area map is being updated tomorrow.

Gerrymandering is a great idea to tackle this, the coronavirus will never expect it.

Next ten days critical


We need to just drive it on ta fuck now lads.

We should be tracking everyday of their predictions on the potential growth in Dublin. It’s always been said that new restrictions take 3 weeks to work, they shouldn’t be let off like they were in LOK around that, where they simply ran out of close contacts and meat plant workers to test.

The numbers were falling before lockdown had a chance to kick in, #exponentialmebollox


After two more lockdowns some time next April the penny will drop that we’ve destroyed our economy with little or no Covid gains

Looks to me like Waterford spiked about 5 days ago and is on the way back down now.

With rent prices increasing, is now the time to buy a house?

The year is 2024 and with 327 new cases in one day Dr Ronan Spin and Professor Philip Nobrain are telling us we’re at a critical point in the pandemic.


You can disagree with some of it, but is far more clearer advice generally and most importantly their barometer is going to be hospital admissions.

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Are you fucking kidding?

5 close contacts per month :rofl:

6 golden rules :laughing:

Next 10 days are critical says George ‘the parrot’ Lee.


It’s up to the people now according to NPHET, they have basically washed their hands of any responsibility.

As I said, you can disagree with it and it is draconian, but it makes a bit more sense than having 6 from 3 houses etc.

Meeting more than 10 people is not allowed.

6 golden rules. If it was NPHET you’d ridicule it.

I don’t have a problem with the household limit guidance in Ireland actually, never have.

I think part of the message was lost with all of the numbers things though. What they really wanted people was to limit social contacts- if you can pick 6 for breakfast and then 6 the next for coffee, the message is a bit lost, don’t you think?