Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

On claire byrne just now. 1608 people in a pool to “answer Ireland’s call”. Or simon harris’s to be more precise. This was the scheme to bring doctors and nurses back to Ireland at the start of this. Only a couple of hundred have got work out of of around 2500 qualified who applied and passed interview stage… A couple of hundred are working but they were directed to work through agencies by the HSE. So the rest are sitting on their holes at home waiting for the call six months later.


Great points there. You’d have a lower risk associated with a viral illness if your baseline health was high. Instead of trying to scare the population into submission, these cunts should be focussing on exercise, a healthy lifestyle, lower stress, better-eating habits, improved sleep, etc.


You would have thought when they got over the initial hump of COVID cases and things started to slow down they would have looked at how they could services in place to cope with an increase in cases such as this, it looks like that after initial surge of cases in March/April the HSE, Department of Health, Government all sat on their fat holes doing fuck all and now we are back in this situation again.

My own feelings is that they wasted the first lockdown, they should have used that time to plan for opening up fully and giving business the guidelines they needed to follow to get their premises COVID ready and I include pubs and restaurants in that. For the public there should have been clear guidance on the wearing of face masks from the start not the wishy washy shited we got.


Yeah that would have made sense. Even without covid we have had overcrowded hospitals every winter for as long as I can remember. There was an opportunity to implement big changes which seem to have been wasted. Varadker said we now have capacity for 3 times the numbers currently in hospital now with covid. Doesnt sound too bad as a soundbite but given the current numbers if you extrapolate that across all the hospitals that’s only a handful of extra beds in each at most.

A lot of them left jobs to come home too as part of their national duty to be left high and dry by the HSE. An absolute disgrace, they are needed in the health system anyway.

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The bean counters are probably looking at the cost to the HSE. When they should be balancing it with the cost of a failed health system and lockdowns that are required to try mitigate that failure.

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My uncle once made a good point, watch the amount of people walking around in shirts holding clipboards, doing fuck all adding nothing to the patient. That person can be replaced by a nurse or a doctor, the only people who directly affect the care of a patient

He was a bean counter by trade

Spot on. That should be their starting point when looking at our health system.

Some guy in Arizona who unfortunately shares same name as prophet of doom Prof Sam McConkey is getting tagged continuously for the latters outlandish claims. :rofl:


7 years :joy: he’s pulling random numbers out of his arse. He’s a complete guesser.

this is scandalous
my point again, can we not get nursing home to function correctly , actually train the staff to use PPE and give the punters incarcerated in them at least a chance of survival?
But no, we deflect and turn something so simple into something so complicated by adding in unnecessary noise about lockdowns and improsing resstrictions on those who are not remotely impacted by C-19.

the sole remit of the minister for health in a C-19 task force should be to get nursing homes sorted as this is where ppl are dying , he should be reporting out on this , id think every 48 hours maybe?, failure to comply on the behalf of the nursing home would result in prosecution for the organization and staff as the impact as death on those inside.

can this not be focused on?
this negligence is the reason why we then have these pathetic attempts to supress the virus in general population in the hope you can keep it out of a care home, but what is the point if the care homes refuse to protect their vulnerable? - if they did i would assume then there is a very strong case to advocate as to why we wouldnt need these public restrictions

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dr martin feely

In view of recent controversies caused by an article in The Irish Times on Saturday, September 12, I think it is important to articulate my position on the present Covid crisis and its management, and to comment also on more recent developments

How lethal is Covid-19?

Up to August 10th, the number of Europeans who died from a Covid-19 illness (182,639) was slightly above the number who died three years ago as a result of “flu” (152,000). The number of patients who died in Europe from the 1917/18 Spanish flu was approximately 2.64 million – this would be equivalent to approximately 7.4 million deaths of today’s European population.

It is not for want of good reason that deaths are now referred to as Covid-19-associated deaths. Of 5,700 patients admitted to New York hospitals, 88 per cent had more than one underlying condition (co-morbidity) and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention reported that from January to May, 19.5 per cent of Covid-19 patients with co-morbidity died compared to 1.6 per cent with no other illness.

The Irish experience is very similar – up to mid-August 94 per cent of deaths were in patients with underlying medical conditions. A Stanford-led group analysed over 100,000 Covid-19-related deaths in Europe, including Ireland, and the US and concluded that “deaths for people under 65 without predisposing conditions were remarkably uncommon”.

Another important feature is the number of people who contract the virus and remain completely asymptomatic . In extremely well-defined scenarios such as the Diamond Princess cruise liner and the Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier almost 66 per cent of the positive tests were completely asymptomatic, while a report from China suggests 78 per cent of cases were asymptomatic

Who is at risk?

For most respiratory diseases, such as the common cold and influenza, children are the primary carriers. However, this does not appear to be the case with the Corona viruses which caused SARS in 2003 and Covid-19. Six weeks after opening schools in Denmark there was no evidence of a spike in cases. A University of Southampton review found no reported incident of pupil-to-teacher transmission.

While children are at negligible risk if healthy and not obese, conversely the individuals at the opposite end of the age spectrum are at greatest risk. T he case mortality rate regardless of co-morbidities at 60 years is about 1 per cent, at 70 years about 2 per cent, and increases dramatically to above 15 per cent in individuals over 80 years .

The presence of a chronic illness is the all-important factor in determining the risk even in the elderly; up to mid-September approximately 6,000 nursing home residents had tested positive for Covid-19 and 83 per cent recovered. Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are high risk; as is diabetes mellitus, although distinguishing its risk from the obesity risk is difficult.

The best kept secret regarding Covid-19 is the vulnerability of overweight individuals. For reasons unknown this is not publicised to the degree required. Unfortunately this lack of awareness is exacerbated, if not caused, by HSE-published data on risk factors. In its definition of obesity the HSE uses a body mass index (BMI) of 40 whereas most international literature uses a BMI of 30.

Only one reply so far and that has a TFK connection.

I wonder are these the same ones which can cure cancer?


We’ve been barking up the wrong tree all along.

Not had a sniff of success in defeating it here so far.