Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

It didnā€™t mention anything about it in the article so Iā€™d say theyā€™re different dogs.

However, this is brilliant. Train up enough dogs and you can cheaply screen everyone at airports and hospitals.

We are well and truly through the looking glass.

Pay social media influencers ā‚¬20,000 to teach young about COVID, says TD Neale Richmond

Minister Simon Harris says thereā€™s money in the pot to fund the project

Fine Gaelā€™s top tweeting TD Neale Richmond has said social media influencers should be paid ā‚¬20,000 to educate young people about Covid-19.

And Minister for Higher and Further Education Simon Harris has told Dublin Live thereā€™s money in the pot.

The government is desperate to get through to youngsters as crowds gathered to rave outdoors over the weekend in a Covid hotspot.

Taoiseach MicheĆ”l Martin said the government needs to ā€œintensifyā€ the effort in communicating with young people stating influencers could be the key to hitting home the message.

Fine Gael TD Neale Richmond has called on the government to ā€œinvest in and prioritise proper communicationā€ which he says is vital in battling a second wave.

He said spending ā‚¬20,000 or more would be ā€œa drop in the oceanā€ compared to what has been spent already.

He told Dublin Live: ā€œIt is good that the Taoiseach has identified the possibility of using social media influencers going forward.

ā€œIf needs be the Government should invest in the key figures that feature across platforms such as tiktok and snapchat to spread the message of how to tackle Covid19.

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Ah here. Bressie says they will do it for free and here are these gobshites offering to pay them.

The mind boggles. I cant believe this is where we are now. At first I thought it was Waterford Whispers.

As someone said on twitter, ā€œthereā€™s plenty in the potā€ to pay influencers 20k each but they wonā€™t pay the student nurses who were drafted in to work in the hospitals


didnt we all not stand around clapping there for a few thursdays?


they spent the money on special advisors

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I donā€™t think the proposal is 20k each.

Richmond, of course, has said heā€™s not giving up his own 2% pay increase due to him as a TD.

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I know we are probably outliers here on tfk but surely this shite doesnā€™t have an audience? Or are the Breda and Nualas of Ireland sitting at home nodding along saying this is just what we need to sort out how the young folk are carrying on! Lord give me strength.

Government perceives young people as the problem, perceives it isnā€™t able to communicate with them or get them to understand the seriousness of its warnings, desperately trying to figure out how to get the message throughā€¦ You can see their train of thought.

I predict this will be a massively successful scheme.

Iā€™d add that if companies/brands think this is an appropriate spend to reach young market segments then itā€™s not that surprising that it should be considered.

Why should ā‚¬20k for an ad in the Irish Times be thought of as a good spend but this if effective, wouldnā€™t?


I can see that thought process but it doesnā€™t mean it will work. As i said before this is being floated for optics to show they are being proactive. When in reality its just a smokescreen ftom countless other failings. Itā€™s gas all the same that Bressie put this out there last weekend and now the goverment are pushing it with financial incentives added. Could someone get him to tweet about increasing ICU capacity/contact tracing pleaseā€¦

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The same influencers who were probably swanning around Europe all summer to pad out their instagram stories and all moved into a big house together with the pied piper of influencers

The mainstream media will really attack this idea one would imagine . See it as eating their lunch ???

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For the influencers bank balancesā€¦

NPHET pushing to shut the pubs again apparently.

Sure if thatā€™s the policy youā€™d never try anything.

Acting chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn yesterday said that struggling hospitality sectors will not influence public health decisions.

NPHET are clearly making all the decisions. Theyā€™re supposed to advise the government , not decide anything.

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