Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

And their fitness age and what percentile they rank in for their fitness according go their age and gender.

Israel have a great record when it comes to human rights…

You can assume under 30s will be fairly woth as they all have completed military service

We’ve jumped the shark fellas,
We’re likely to have a lad get a nice post for singing along to wonder wall, Jesus Christ is there anything worse?
Channeling the spirit of Nelson Mandela in Dingle while the rest of the country cowers :smiley:


Children with Covid-19 typically recover within a week (via @IrishTimes) Children with Covid-19 typically recover within a week

Wasn’t @Cheasty telling us:



And you were the greatest instrument of it.

Must be the damp under ground conditions playing havoc with their lungs

You’re labouring the Mandela rhetoric a little? Maybe time to get a new gig…

Second time I said it alright,

Jaysus it must be a pain in the arse for you to read repetitive waffle, what with your originality :joy:

But I see how it would hit a nerve with a no mask warrior like yourself providing guidance to the youth

But it’s nice to see that you’re still making notes of all my posts :+1:

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Caught out lying through his hoop again.

The most sinister of individuals.

I wouldn’t go that far, it’s just one of those tedious allusions that gains a bit of traction and springs up amidst other unoriginal offerings. I observed it, notes weren’t required.
Don’t get too carried away with the warrior thing, anyone with a bit of cop on has dropped the mask/lockdown nonsense, no courage etc required


There’s no way anyone would lie about the severity of COVID to prolong restrictions…

I’d like to think that if I had your passion for something I’d express it in more meaningful ways than intimidating shop staff or whining incessantly on the internet, pretending to be a tough guy, there’s a world out there waiting to hear from you yet you spend your days here??

Anyway good luck, I’ll post as I want :+1:

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That’s a needless nasty post because a few people were enjoying themselves during the weekend. You must be a deeply unhappy Individual.

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I hope I haven’t intimidated anyone, but I appreciate that a stupid person might see things differently. Days? Hardly, but it may be good that you have that impression.
Post away, please don’t take offence if I respond

Wow. What a gaslighting post. Intimidating? You really are hysterical there.

When I’m on trial for implementing the fascist and racist MHQ system, I can only hope the lads in The Hague take my posts here into consideration as mitigation


To be fair, he was only off by just short of a factor of 7.

Lads are under pressure here again I see