Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

@mikehunt will be raging about this.


The Vietnam variant!

A Covid 19 variant which has characteristics of two other Covid 19 variants.

This is truly alarming.

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Had Vietnam not kept cases down to a minimum?

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Not an enthusiastic reaction to Tony’s musings there. Like a coach roaring at his team to “let’s rise it now” when 16 points down.

There’s a puritanicalism behind a lot of this.

I was in Dundrum SC earlier today. It was very crowded and is all indoors. The virus does not spread outdoors.


In fairness to Dr Tony the lack of public toilets could cause a cholera outbreak

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He’s lost the dressing room there going by the replies. Will get good coverage on RTÉ though and that’s what middle Ireland who think he’s a God will hear.

250 Brendas liked it

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They actually locked people in concentration camps. Saw a story before Christmas about 2 irish lads living there, went for a test and were trucked off to an internment camp for 2 weeks before returned home (in Vietnam)

The replies are great. We have achieved it. The public see the sham and are OIUTF

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Barrack Street was wedged last night in cork when I drove through. Real rebels to be proud of @Corksfinedtboy @gilgamboa

Lots of anticipatory behaviour going on. Loads of premises around Limerick offering full outdoor drinking and dining this weekend.


Happening all over

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Pete Lunn and his behavioural science unit will be on overtime this week.


There are cars spilling out over the sides of carparks all over the country. We’re fucked.
