Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

So whatā€™s the craic lads? Is it over yet? Iā€™ve kind of switched off the whole thing at this stage

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Tis only the start mike. When you hear about the Ballyragget variant and when the world is bombed to shite, then itā€™ll be coming to an end.

The FIFI variant is on the way lads

Itā€™s transmitted via jizz in an envelope

This is becoming a big issue for the Government now imo. A strong Government would press for the early reopening of outdoor dining but they donā€™t want to upset Philā€™s model.


The Greeks. The feckers, they invented gayness

Racist against Greeks

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Sarah McInerney was saying to open the pubs this Friday instead of next Monday to mitigate against the mass crowds gathering like the weekend just gone. Makes a lot of sense. Wonā€™t happen though, what will happen is more pubs selling takeaway pints and even bigger crowds gathering. The guards didnā€™t give a fuck this weekend, theyā€™ll be under strict orders now for the bank holiday weekend, if we get a repeat of the weather things could get proper silly


There could be riots this weekend.

Iā€™m buying a few Palestine and gay pride flags to say Iā€™m protesting or supporting gay pride. Iā€™ll be immune to covid


And covered in woke pussy

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You might want to repost that Lionel. If hes sporting a gay pride flag, it might not be pussy heā€™ll get.

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Supporting gay rights gets the birds to drop the guard a little

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Iā€™ve been out of the game for a long time now. So Iā€™ll take your word for it

I support the gay black Palestinians


Say that out loud after about 8 pints.

Whatā€™s your end goal?

Just arrived back home but drove past my local who is back serving openly.

Costellos birds, avoid like the plauge

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Whatā€™s the story with Indian variant ?will it be a short opening and back under the bed again ??

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No. Two portions of basmati rice with the tikka masala and youā€™ll be grand