Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You are still acting and reacting to covid like it was march last year. When we knew fuck all, had no data or evidence or different approaches. We do now but you deny the and keep banging the same zero covid drum, which if we did that in Feb march 20 you would be right.

I maintain that the variants arguement is null and void as the vaccines have been proven to be effect against it. As shown in England earlier this week. If the variants were here in June 20 I would be concerned and agree with you. The overwhelming evidence now is the virus is only effecting and transmitting between the unvaccinated people.

In a few months when we are vaccined we can look back and laugh at our arguments here mate. Neither of us probably would have changed our minds by then. I know I’m not going to change your opinion


Herr Holohan knows more than those stupid Danes

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Irony alert.


@artfoley, I think you were asking before what department has responsibility for the EU digital cert. The answer is no one as of yet, D/Health are trying to avoid responsibility for it so they won’t work on it. A joke.

System to be operational in a month.

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This thread is a rollercoaster with the psychopaths on ignore. Lads have ye nothing better to be doing?

Whoever has responsibility would want to get the finger or there’ll be a raft of JRs from people convicted of travelling to the airport for holiday whilst fully vaccinated

They literally are a shower of cunts. They’ve tried to frustrate introduction of the covid cert as long as possible, and now trying to refuse to do it.

Unfortunately what you fail to realise is that Ireland does not have a large number of people fully vaccinated. You believe you know more than the British Government who didn’t open up as planned.

Also, look up what the pan part of pandemic means.

Irony alert.

we should all gang up on the cunts.

DFA can refuse to process their passports
transport their driving licences
finance any AML for their bank accounts or loans
DPS their sick pay
peoplepoint their leave entitlements
PSSC, their payroll

etc etc ad infinitum

That luke o’neill gobshite has gone very quiet. That butter stunt was the sort of thing he’d have pulled off with a bit of panache for the benefit of a deadly serious claire byrne. How are the lidtf craturs coping without him?


The majority of the most at risk people have been vaccinated now, we should see deaths plummet if they had the stats available. Icu and hospital number are continuing to fall. Both great. That was the aim. Cases are meaningless outside of those figures

Majority of cases are now in the unvaccinated under 30s who have the least risk to getting seriously ill or death.

Based on that we should be open imho.

Based on how effective the vaccine is showing (real world appears to be much better than the clinical data), at what point of the vaccination program do you think we will be all able to say done with covid?

No point in us continuing to agrue points of view on OIUTF or zero covid as the vaccine will end this mess. I think we can both agree on that.

There were 13 deaths in May, 5 in June

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So less than 1 day on average, let alone the late reports from Jan Feb March in Tony’s back pocket.

The vaccine is working :muscle:

Limerick riddled with the covid over the last few weeks.

Number of patients in UHL today with covid - 2.

Number of covid patients in UHL ICU & HDU today - 0.


Tony and Willie O’Dea got together and sorted it out.

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ROD mate, it was ROD that done it.


You wouldn’t need to be a scientimatation to figure it out


A pub was the safest place to be, got people out of their houses which were riddled.

Best chart I’ve seen since this RTE masterpiece