Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

2020 tazdedub - George Lee is a cunt, spreading fear everywhere online .
2021 tazdedub - Lads, hereā€™s more shite to be afraid of.

Am like Dr Tony having to keep ye on yer toes incase ye let the guard down. We canā€™t be having that now.

Donā€™t google any pictures of that black fungus thing boys, lots of pics of people having their faces eaten off by bathroom mould. Iā€™m hiding under the bed until Christmas now.

This is turning out like a sequel to one of them alien films at this stage. Looks like we"re all moving to district 9

its nowhere near as contagious as blue waffle

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The black lung is fucking lethalā€¦ christ above lock it down ta fuck.

A Garda checkpoint on one of the approach roads into Wexford town earlier, on the first day inter county travel restrictions were lifted. Itā€™s gas really.

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A fella selling takeaway pints could have made a few bob outside barbers today.

UK making social distancing a ā€œpersonal choiceā€ and pubs and restaurants allowed to serve indoors from May 17.

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Boris Johnson 4
Covid 0


A bit of reopening cheerfulness from Orla.


Orla is an architecture lecturer.

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Boris Johnson 5
Covid 0


Iā€™d send you hugs buddy but donā€™t think Iā€™m allowed to yet


And lads mystified why heā€™s having electoral success

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The vaccines are unreal

Heā€™ll have 90,000 in Wembley come the first week in July.

Full House for the CL final.

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In Portugal?