Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

My sources tell me that it was a pub in Ring. Two people over from England with the Delta variant. Pub was outside service only.

You have to admire their chutzpah

Tony always has some kept back for special occasions.

We have to stop the outdoor drinking now.

Sounds like complete and utter bullshit. Heā€™s just making it up.

Iā€™d love for a whistleblower to come forward and Holahan to be jailed.

The authoritarian streak of the self-styled ā€œpro-freedomā€ brigade is never far from the surface.

Public knowledge in Co Waterford

Funeral & Gaa match also contributed but Headline couldnā€™t fit all that.

My other half is from around West Waterford and I can confirm that nobody was seriously sick with the deadly virus.

Exactly why the vaccination of younger people needs to take precedence now imo.

DCU guy on tv3 saying Germany actually had lower cases after opening up. Because they had to use antigen tests to get into hospitality, it identified cases that wouldnā€™t have been noticed before and stopped the spread.


Ya but the Germans donā€™t have real butter

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Look, thatā€™s all very good that it worked in practise but did it work in theory?


Ya but Tony says we canā€™t use antigen testing because GPS donā€™t get ā‚¬30 for referring antigen testing like the do for pcr testing.

Antigen testing would seem like an absolute no brainer.

But I fear no brainers are in charge.

The shinner wan.

The Fine Gael wan.


I agree with you. At the very least fully open up the portal for all over 16s first come first serve. Might crash the servers but anyone 16 to 35 left ot get the vaccine have the same risk. At least we will get a good chunk into the age group that has the highest incidence of transmission

Itā€™s been tough on people in the 25 - 35 bracket who donā€™t have families or marriages etc.

But, that age bracket is probably a bit more sensible and can practice a bit of self control as regards socialising. The real cunt about recent variants or Covid is the asymptotic nature it can bring to those infected.

Young lads spreading it around and tbf how can they know. Nobody knows until someone becomes ill.

Grasp the nettle and try and reduce the chance of higher infections.

There is enough supply to cover the 2nd doses due plus approx 700k first doses in the fridge. Plus delivery this month. Now with j&j and AZ approved for under 40s no excuse to drive on. I donā€™t think offering ā‚¬150 to these people will make the difference as we donā€™t have an issue with uptake when the vaccine is offered. Open it up for all and all will be done in a number of weeks. Based on the census in 2016 there is 800k people who would be now between 17 and 29 in ireland. You could easily have 60% of this group with at least 1 dose by the end of july


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The age breakdown is not applicable once below 40, based on risk reduction in these people wnding up woth a serious illness and death. The vulnerable are protected. We should be pivoting to targeting the biggest spreaders of the virus. Tactically eliminating the spread. And sbefors anyone says it doesnā€™t stop transmission, while that is currently true and the accepted science, there is very strong indication that it greatly reduces the spread. Which in sure will be updated in the coming weeks when real world data shows a significant reduction

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Yep. Younger people are far more sociable and thus unknowingly will spread this like wildfire. Therein the decision to halt the opening of certain social settings is not bizarre.

It is imo bizarre to halt progress without showing a path to the end line in the most timely manner.

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