Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )


Tony Holohan’s computer is broken at the moment, he can’t give any death figures, but don’t worry, as soon as he has any bad news, he will be straight back


His laptop was caught up in the HSE hack. :slight_smile: )


We’ll just keep moving the goalposts as the stats go against the narrative



Says the lad I destroyed a couple of times by just frowning at him.

Goalposts, wherever sited, are of no relevance to people without balls.

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He’ll be coming after fasters next!

Heavy work for them

That was a good one

You keep saying now the big issue is infection rates which will end up shutting society as everyone will have to isolate for 14 days. The only reason they were isolating for 14 days was to stop them passing it on to someone who might die. If no one is dying it certainly does change things ffs.

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Or to James Owens it seems

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The way I tell 'em…

That statement is so simpleminded as to mean I can do absolutely nothing for you.

And are only applicable to the one match … but there’s loads of other matches going on in this league …:eyes:

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'Fraid you have not my lightness of touch…

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Your use of your e-quill is a thing of beauty …of that there is not doubt … a mind so fine …

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Long Covid is just a way for Donegal people to get more disability benefits.


That account seems to wind up a lot of Dept. of Health and HSE insiders.


Deluded. Go easy on the whiskey lad.

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