Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It will depend on the UK. They are opening up fully towards the end of June and if that goes ok we’ll have no choice but to follow their lead 6 weeks or so later

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Agreed, unfortunately our current political leaders couldnt make an independent decision to save their lives.

I wouldnt be putting my house on the Brits following through on their 21st June promise ot full reopening either though, hopefully it happens.

If it doesnt reopen over there with all the vaccines done - its not good looking towards the Autumn/Winter.

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When will Trump get his apology?


Once we get to 80 per cent vaccinated things will get back to more or less normal. I was told today to expect boosters at end of year

Ah yeah, what Australia have done is complete madness, with their open society.


Hopefully mate, I don’t see how the restrictions would be in anyway beneficial at that stage.

Regarding the boosters - Pfizers CEO called that out 6 weeks or so I think. Was always going to be on the cards.

You’re very needy.

They’re potentially back to square one @Cheasty

What they’ve done over the last year has been a total disaster.

How would they be back to square one when Covid is actually a scamdemic, at least so we’ve been told?

I’d say they’re grand, they seem to have a good handle on the cases thus far.

Long term issue remains for them in how to reopen. The travel bubble doesn’t appear to be sustainable, you can’t keep closing it down at a moments notice.

They have no choice it seems

There’s a lot of vaccine hesitancy apparently too. Loads of them going unused.

AZ name appears to be even more trashed down there and that’s their main supply.

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Covid partied hard in Australia, with its 900 odd deaths, but not in the US, with its 600,000 plus deaths.

Its going to be a long winter for them over there.

I’m beginning to wonder if prolonged lockdowns work

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Imagine following the science

Flu season typically starts in May. Its a bit late but better late than pregnant

B cells I knew it was them, even when it was the t cells I knew it was them