Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Carysfort in Blackrock fits the bill. Heaney was there in the 1970s, before he went to Harvard.

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Heard a horrifying story today of suicide involving a young man. I don’t want to go into details but it is clear his mental health was greatly damaged by Lockdown 1 and was not looking forward to the second one.

Perhaps, but unlikely in this instance

I’m very sorry to hear this.
I’m very anti-lockdown because of its effect on young people. Without disrespecting your story I believe it was that hero of the anti-lockdown movement @lazarus, or maybe @batigol who said that there’s a lot going on with every suicide and you can’t just blame them on “the lockdown”.


I would like to add to the encouragement for @Malarkey to try his hand at prose fiction. He’s a huge talent, the greatest English student that UCD had seen in 30 years, he can’t waste himself thinking up 100 euphemisms for “Tank is stupid and shit”. I fear for Malarkey would be that he may have to spiritually cleanse himself of his more acute misanthropic tendencies before his writing becomes pleasant to read. There’s times when you’re reading the very talented Anne Enright’s prose and you almost flinch because you’re seeing a troubled person really struggle. I fear that you’d read Malarkey’s prose and you you might see him get stuck into the same struggle but fail to emerge on the other side. It’s equally possible that writing might help him iron out some of his less appealing creases.

@Malarkey , you don’t like Colm Toibin and you have a little cultural war going on against anyone who you perceive to sneer at rural Ireland. I was wondering about what your opinion is of FOTF and also EOTF John McGahern? I’d say you’re probably sympathetic enough? I’d imagine you accept that McGahern had his perspective coming from his background and it was legitimate as far as it went? Amongst Women isn’t a sneery book, it’s ultimately an act of forgiveness. He had a play called The Power of Darkness that’s very sneery however.


No doubting at this point the paper of record have had enough

The effects of 2020 won’t be seen until 2021, 2021 and beyond. It’s an experiment we have never tried before during pandemics. There will be a lot of books written about this period in human history.

What do you make of DR’s writing yourself?

It was me who said that. Suicide is s complex issue and there could be a myriad of issues at play


Anyone who takes out a phone in a pub to watch anything off YouTube should be kicked out. Let alone three episodes of a thing. Christ.


There’s no doubt but that it most certainly could have been a contributing factor, but like the difference between dying OF and dying WITH Covid it doesn’t tell the true story, it sees to be a blame game thing ‘NPHET don’t give a fuck about us, look at the suicides’

There’s suicides all over the country I’m hearing. These nphet fucks don’t give a shite about people’s health, they’re killing us with these lockdowns. Bastards.

I guess we will see when the figures are finally available.

He said it was castoff youtube you gobshite. Lads watch endless amounts of horse racing and bollocks of that sort on day sessions around the country back in the good old days. I’d have more respect for a lad watching genius like HPW to knock a bit of time down in a Monday Club and get a conversation going.

But hey, you be the arbiter of fun in a Monday Club, I’d love to see what that would look like.

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Pocket change to these guys.

Domestic violence has rocketed again. Nphet are literally killing us all.

Sure that’s nothing. Over here they bought face masks from a fella who was a buddy of the brother of the Minister for Health. They found out after that they were not up to quality standards.

And no bother coming home from a place that was riddled in February.

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